
2024 WY pronghorn, deer, and R elk draw

No luck swinging for the fences for antelope. Unsuccessful for the deer tag I was going for I had 2 more points then it’s been taking. My girlfriend did get lucky and got a region G with 1 point in the regular sob in excited for that.
Not even a doe tag that should’ve been a slam dunk. I’m convinced I jacked up my application? After all, Wyoming will allow you to apply for a tag that doesn’t exist
That's why random draw systems are the best. You can draw absolutely nothing for 5 years straight, and then for the next five years draw absolutely nothing. :cool:

And the Hitler video is top five all-time best on YouTube. Might even be #1.

That's no joke. For all the "Random is the best." Guys who draw frequently there's those of us who put in for decades in 1 in 4 odds stuff without drawing. I've put in on a 50% odds turkey tag for 4 years.

At this point my best tags have been Salvage tags and the hides have. "GMC" Stamped on them.
Well I feel like a grade A idiot. My daughter had 4 points for antelope and I have 6. I thought she'd have enough points to draw on her own so I did not party app with her (I just bought a point) so that next year I could party app with my other daughter who is behind in points.

The unit I applied her for had 7 first choice applicants with 4 points. Out of those seven applicants, 6 drew. You can guess which one did not. Had I joined her on the party app, she'd be hunting this fall. :sick:
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