Caribou Gear

2024 Turkey Season!

Turkey showed up in my neighborhood this week. That's a first. Then, last night, it roosted in my backyard. Season is a few weeks away. It's like these birds are surveiling me, messing with my mind for doing the same to them. Well played, turkeys, well played...


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Went for a midday hunt today, first of the season. Followed the tracks in the snow to the trees, wind stopped about 4. By 4:15 I had a whole damn pride parade of male turkeys gobblin their brains out comin in hot, 8-10 jakes and 3 Tom’s, not a single hen. I tell my buddy video (my buddy sucks and video) he gets the itchy trigger when he sees the long beards, I’m like f that you shoot I’ll video, I start to video but he’s like don’t move they are 3 yards strutting, lol, I bring the phone around the tree just as they break strut I’m like shoot! Shoot! lol. His gun clicks, he ejected the shell back when we crossed the creek, I throw my gun up and take a shot at the closest long beard still at 5 yards, missed its head by 2”, Winchester longberd Xr blows a hole in the snow the size of a slug… lol. Birds fly everywhere. Probably the 5th time that’s happened in the last few years. Having shells that can kill Turks at 70 yards don’t help when you consistently get them in to 10, lol. Dammit. Amateur hour. lol. Be back in the same spot in the morning. About 60 birds roosted on that property.

Our opening day was Saturday. I went but all the deer hunters were out in full force. Didnt hear anything. My buddy and I drew a special 3-day permit that opened today. We were on one at first light but a hen stole him away. She passed by us within 25 yards probably. Bow we're motoring around the lake checking some other spots. My buddy has never killed one before so I'm hoping we can accomplish that on this trip.
Can't stop D-Flop
Great hunt. Very slow start with a few gobbles of the farm at 9:15 I take a walk and strike up a volly of gobbles. Calling as walk away. At 930 they answered everything I through at them. About 10:15 they crossed through the hedge row. Spotted Jake and made a B,-line. Opening day MD bird down 22 pounds


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Montana oping day.
The only bird we saw or heard.
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