2024 Montana CMR Fence Pull


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2014
Glasgow, MT
For the 8th straight year, we're gonna be pulling fence on the CMR (June 22-23). To date, we've removed over 20 miles of fencing in this area of the refuge and this year I'm hoping to knock down another couple miles. We usually organize it as a two day project and campout but if a person can only make it one day, thats perfectly fine.

Generally, we meet about noon, get to work, and break out to set up camp about dinner time. This year we'll have an assortment of elk, deer, bison, and mountain lion to grill up around the campfire with free beer of course. On Sunday morning, if there's still work to be done we tackle that and then are usually headed our separate ways by noon. It's always a good time surrounded by a great group of people. Come give us a hand if you've got nothing planned.

More information on the project.

Sign ups for the project.

And here's a few photos from past projects. A few by @mtmiller and @Poke 'Em

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I wish I was closer! Thank you for the hands on habitat work. We had our work day a couple of weeks ago and I unfortunately had to miss that one as well, but I did donate my sxs to help with the work!
Awesome job! I hate barbwire! Was on a body search in a reservoir in Colorado many years ago. It was my time doing a dive and I got tangled up for 30 minutes on the bottom in a bird's nest of fishing line on an old barbwire fence! I was launching F-bombs into the comms unit for a few minutes, then settled down!
Kudos to you guys; that is great work and leading by example. Looks like a GREAT way to spend a weekend.
Not in the cards this year, but I plan to make it one of these times. Looks like a blast.
Project was a success, after a couple mile hike we pulled 1.5 miles of fence that’s been particularly rough on pronghorn. We found two carcasses on the fence and we were actually being wheezed at by a few pronghorn does that were hanging out close by.

For anyone interested that couldn’t make it this year, pencil in June 21-22 next summer!

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