
2024 AZ credit card hit

He's right. Got a hit as well
Damnit I was really hoping he was messing with me sense I don't have a charge. Well looks like I'll at least be helping with a elk hunt in AZ this year. Now to see if it's the cow tag we expect or that 1st choice bull tag.
Damnit I was really hoping he was messing with me sense I don't have a charge. Well looks like I'll at least be helping with an elk hunt in AZ this year. Now to see if it's the cow tag we expect or that 1st choice bull tag.
Don’t those have different prices?
Damnit I was really hoping he was messing with me sense I don't have a charge. Well looks like I'll at least be helping with a elk hunt in AZ this year. Now to see if it's the cow tag we expect or that 1st choice bull tag.
Not sure when they post that info to our accounts.
No hit for me. After almost 1-1/2 decades I should have known better than to get my hopes up. This year stings a bit. I wanted it bad. Oh well. Maybe next year.
I’m really not worried about it I put in with a buddy and that guy couldn’t draw a tag if they had left overs. So I’m sure it’ll be a boring day
I applied for some swing for the fences hunts because I had some more likely to draw hunts mapped out in other states, but just because I can't remember...does anyone remember last year about how late in the day did most of the credit card hits go before they turned off?
Congrats to the lucky ones. Nothing here...only had 6 pts for elk and antelope so wasnt really expecting either
I shot above my point level, so there was certainly no expectation of drawing.

I’m curious though. Do they charge card by alphabetical order or draw order? If it’s draw order, does that mean it goes by hunt code? It can’t possibly be random, and I know people don’t want to say what they applied for, but it would be nice to know if I shouldn’t get a hit yet because my last name starts with a T or because my hunt code was near the end. The only AZ tag I’ve drawn hit my card early in the morning, but it was for a low numbered hunt code.
Drawing elk was bittersweet. I had some “life” circumstances the last 2 yrs and forgot to buy my pronghorn pts, so I had 14 pts go POOF. Luckily I always put in for elk. I know poor me.. life goes on.

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