Kenetrek Boots

2024/5 Super Bowl For Wildlife!

I do not know how the points are computed, but it looks like you got me by one.
Lowest points equate to the closest numbers to the actual game scores. Thus you are closest by one point in your overall win scores. I objected to my wife's excel sheet though when I addressed this with her, I didn't win...

side note: @Pucky Freak , I placed both of your scores as 49. This is now corrected to W/49 L/41. It doesn't help your road to redemption into 2nd or 3rd as I initially placed your losing team with 49 points. Your losing score adjusted and you're a distance from lowest bracket. Regardless, corrected.
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Chiefs Three-peat! Hat Trick! NFL legendary Reid movement that took a crappy franchise and turned it into the GOAT team hall of fame.

Ugh, if they take it again I'm NEVER going to hear the end of it from my 14-yr-old nephew in Kansas City, I will have to resort to just beating him with my fists when he talks trash, which will make my sister-in-law get angry with me again and make holidays even more awkward. Do you want to see that to happen?
I’m in 9th, that means there’s no point in me even hazarding guess on the SB. Other than I guess to see if I can break into the upper half of the pack.
I’m in 9th, that means there’s no point in me even hazarding guess on the SB. Other than I guess to see if I can break into the upper half of the pack.
Yes. Slim pickings. It's possible though agree. It would have to play out very well in your favor though what the heck? Name a team and call the points.

Whichever you choose, it was a great read about the Oklahoma Foundation thats purpose is to aid your ODWC . Their support for the Game Wardens to State mentor programs is darn slick and honorable.

Thanks for sharing and joining!