Yeti GOBOX Collection

2023 spring turkey!

Scott, I've done 2 hours for a number of years before I obtained a farm 1 hour away for half day hunt so 5 hours seems about right. You'll remember the hunt.
It’s 5 hours one way. Also it’s too a place I’ve never been before.
It’s 5 hours one way. Also it’s too a place I’ve never been before.
I drove over 6 hours one way to scout for a day and a half last week. I always make sure to have a handful of podcasts on hand to break up the monotony of the drive. While a new place might not be conducive to putting a bird down I can never turn down a chance to hunt new ground.
So far I have spent 3 days scouting and then 4 days straight hunting and camping on the National Forest here in Louisiana. I had plenty of action over the 4 days but was dealing with a couple of very educated and very henned up gobblers. Had them all within 100 yards for several hours total. Had one gobbler within 75 yards for about 15 minutes but he would not get any closer. I held my gun in the ready position for so long on the opener that I was sore the next day. I probably should have tried to go and find some Toms that were more cooperative after day 2, but the turkey densities are very low on that place so I decided to just keep after those two to no avail. Had a blast regardless of the results.

I leave for Arkansas on Friday to spend a couple of days scouting before the opener on Monday. I drew a sweet WMA lottery tag for the 2nd time in 3 years up there that is good for the first 3 days of the season. 25 hunters on 20,000 acres. 20,000 acres that is pretty packed with turkeys, or has been in the past, and that is laid out in a way that a fellow that doesn't mind walking can get away from everyone else. The first time I had the tag I was tagged out by 8:00 A.M. on opening day, so here is hoping. Pretty darn excited!

If I tag out early in Arkansas I will transition back to the National Forest in Louisiana for the remainder of my PTO next week.
Drew a LE tag here in Utah. Weather has been so bad that I didn't imagine going until a few weeks from now, but Saturday was gorgeous and the first high pressure system we have had in what feels like months, so I decided to go for the afternoon and get a feel for conditions and listen for birds. There was a ton of snow, 2+ feet still in most south facing areas, with a few patches burned off. Just happened to stumble into two toms in one of those melted off spots and this one got to come home with me. Daughter has the same tag but I think we will wait a few weeks.

Decided to drive over to the foothills for a couple hours after lunch today. Halfway back, I stopped at a spot I’ve hunted a lot but haven’t seen a bird in probably 5-6 years, but it’s a nice hike and the view is great on top of the ridge.

Having battled a sinus infection that became a chest cold for the last 3 weeks (and being generally out of shape since pheasant season ended), it took me about 2X as long to gain the top as normal - that worked out in my favor as a group of gobblers and Jake’s were coming silent to my intermittent calls when I got just below the top of the ridge, and I’d have for sure spooked them if I was moving at my normal pace. They were moseying down a game trail looking for the hen but seemed like they knew something was up. Picked out the first longbeard in the group once he cleared the others and my CO turkey season is over 2h after it started.

Opening day. Had to be at work this morning so I couldn’t hunt until after 1 pm. I Got set up about 2 and called. About 20 minutes a group of hens started putting and yelping down in the bottom of the drainage I was set up on. A Tom gobbled several hundreds away so I moved to the west in his direction. Nothing came of it so I moved 1/2 mile back to the east to a field edge I had been seeing birds in during the afternoon. Got set up and let a few love notes out. Almost immediately I hear a hen answer back in the opposite direction I was facing. With no way to turn to face her I figured she’d get into 20 or 30 yards and not see anything and scramble off. She started putting and purring less than 20 yards behind me but I still couldn’t see her because the tree and brush were in my way. As her putts and purrs became more nervous a Tom gobbled on the neighbor’s property but close to my location, maybe 100 yards. I yelped and putted and purred a sequence and 3 different gobbles came simultaneously and closer yet. I got my gun rested on my gun and good thing I did because my sling would have been wrapped around a bunch of sticks and probably would have prevented me from shouldering my gun. Just as I got ready 2 blue and red heads came barreling out from behind the brush side by side straight at my Tom decoy. The third one was so close behind the other 2 I had to wait for them to attack my decoy and spread out to prevent shooting multiple birds. 9” beard, 7/8” spurs total time hunting less than 3 hours.

Filled my last tag in NC this morning at 6:38. Messed with this turkey yesterday morning but he was on a little hill and wouldn’t come off of it. Got in there early this morning and when he gobbled off the backside of the hill I was able to ease in and set down where he had been yesterday. As it got closer to flydown I made one soft call on a slate. He answered so I just put it down and got ready. A few minutes later he pitched down and landed 30 yards away from me.

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