2023 Montana Draw!!!!

I put in for a sheep drawing 3 weeks ago and it’s still not showing online. Emailed them and was told they see the application on their side. Doesn’t give me the warm fuzzy feeling that something isn’t going to get messed up.
My guess is they’ll find the error after the draw and then do a redraw for those effected with additional tags given out. More opportunity!
Honestly they should give everyone who applies their choice of whatever tag . Everyone . Wipe things out completely and then get a real structure and start over
My guess is they’ll find the error after the draw and then do a redraw for those effected with additional tags given out. More opportunity!
Or just send out a bunch of tags to folks that didn't draw...I got one of those last year, hoping for an additional draw tag this year so I can check all the boxes.
I’m wondering if after last years fiasco if things aren’t being checked a little closer this year. I actually expect the draw to be accurate this year because of last year…but we shall see🤞😂
Should start a betting pool on the odds of a FWP draw fiasco, with the result being that listed above. Of the half dozen states I apply in, MT is hands down the worse by far.
Combine that with the worst convoluted point/draw system and it’s a real winner for FWP. We all ought to stop applying 😁
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