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2023/2024 update !!! Norris Road Elk Hunt

Since you asked for my thoughts Kurt, those individuals are nothing more then disgusting lazy asses.

When I get older (then the advanced age I already am) and don’t have the physical ability to hunt the right way, I will give it up. I don’t need an elk or any other animal that bad.
Apparently fair chase means driving your car to the side of the road.

As bad as I want a Colorado elk, I am not going to park and wait for the herd to cross the road and then light em up. Legal or not, it's f^&*ed

Let's not get carried away here. This stuff has been going on for hundreds of years...

We just have more "horsepower" now......
Just like long distance hunting…. Same amount of hunting skill involved… The only thing that would make this better is if the guy was dialing up a 1000 yards off the hood…

As long as the elk died, everyone is just jealous because they don’t have the skill it takes to make this type of hunt happen…
Why you blowing up all my spots @Greenhorn
Hate to blow up a spot like this. I'm sure there's somebody out there with some sentimental history with the place, that wants their loved ones to put on flack vests, sprint out and sprinkle their ashes someday. It's only a short drive from town, go forth and enjoy, even just as a spectator.


In 2015 I went with my dad on an elk hunt near Dillon Mt. I had a deer tag he had a mule deer and an elk tag. That one week of hunting over thanksgiving made me never want to hunt late elk in MT again.

First issue we saw a herd ended up down on the flats at first light. Started out with around 40 elk in the group. The first shots sent them running. Before they could escape the flat 3-4 truck hauled ass and cut them off. A barage of bullets and a couple dropped a couple winded and the herd changed direction where another group of truck cut them off, this went on for a couple hours and by the time it was done only 5 elk left the valet. 2 small bulls a cow and 2 yearings. I watched all this from way up on a ridge, the 2 bulls crossed in front of me at like 80 yards exhausted tongues hanging out etc. I let ‘em walk. The warden was busy writing tickets, and he ended up finishing off 4 elk that were left behind and wounded. He ended up with 8 elk that were dead in the flats with no one to claim em.

The next day we ran into town for lunch and on our way back to camp, a herd was stuck out in the open and it was a mess. The horse trailer next to our camp took 2 shots. The handle to my axe took a shot.

The herd at one point crossed the road in front of us, we literally had a truck shooting at the herd with us in the road. Bullets were skipping down the road as we were backing up as fast as we could. It was disgusting. My dad ended up finishing off a cow that was laying wounded 80 yards from our camp and tagging her…

I have seen this sort of thing happen on a smaller scale in other states but there is a certain level of crazy in MT when it comes to elk, trucks and guns…
Hate to blow up a spot like this. I'm sure there's somebody out there with some sentimental history with the place, that wants their loved ones to put on flack vests, sprint out and sprinkle their ashes someday. It's only a short drive from town, go forth and enjoy, even just as a spectator.


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My third cousin Billy from WV is gonna come unGLUED when he sees his spot getting exploited like this!
I think that can be said of many, many things. And I don't think it's exclusive to one state.

The behavior isn't unique to elk hunting, but as many old time FWPers have told me "Elk make people stupid."
What ever you want to tell yourself. :D Those Montanan's are dicks.

I've seen some questionable stuff done here as well. Coincidently it involves a lot of caribou along a highway.
In 2015 I went with my dad on an elk hunt near Dillon Mt. I had a deer tag he had a mule deer and an elk tag. That one week of hunting over thanksgiving made me never want to hunt late elk in MT again.

First issue we saw a herd ended up down on the flats at first light. Started out with around 40 elk in the group. The first shots sent them running. Before they could escape the flat 3-4 truck hauled ass and cut them off. A barage of bullets and a couple dropped a couple winded and the herd changed direction where another group of truck cut them off, this went on for a couple hours and by the time it was done only 5 elk left the valet. 2 small bulls a cow and 2 yearings. I watched all this from way up on a ridge, the 2 bulls crossed in front of me at like 80 yards exhausted tongues hanging out etc. I let ‘em walk. The warden was busy writing tickets, and he ended up finishing off 4 elk that were left behind and wounded. He ended up with 8 elk that were dead in the flats with no one to claim em.

The next day we ran into town for lunch and on our way back to camp, a herd was stuck out in the open and it was a mess. The horse trailer next to our camp took 2 shots. The handle to my axe took a shot.

The herd at one point crossed the road in front of us, we literally had a truck shooting at the herd with us in the road. Bullets were skipping down the road as we were backing up as fast as we could. It was disgusting. My dad ended up finishing off a cow that was laying wounded 80 yards from our camp and tagging her…

I have seen this sort of thing happen on a smaller scale in other states but there is a certain level of crazy in MT when it comes to elk, trucks and guns…
Like Black Friday for elk hunting. 491D9BCB-8DDE-4FDA-BE27-6CE154B15148.gif
Hate to blow up a spot like this. I'm sure there's somebody out there with some sentimental history with the place, that wants their loved ones to put on flack vests, sprint out and sprinkle their ashes someday. It's only a short drive from town, go forth and enjoy, even just as a spectator.


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Like a lot of things hunting it depends on a lot of factors.

Is this is a bunch of beered up 30 somethings or a 60 something guy with health issues?

I've seen this done in a disgusting fashion by speeding trucks and volley fire. At the same time I remember helping old man take pictures of and load a bull moose that was barely a platerhorn. He waited and shot it just off the road. He passed up a couple bruiser bulls but knew he couldn't get them out. He waited to draw that tag for over 30 years. He was so happy he was crying. Circumstances can definitely change how you see things.
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What gets me fired up way more than these folks is when 8 guys and 4 camera dudes from sitka, gerber, leupold, GOHUNT, etc., etc. (some big ass circle **** hunting party) roll up to one of my spots and blast the internet with every camera angle of every ridge. Kirts, really got me going on this one! Hunting industry is pure dog chit these days. Alright (I feel better now)….
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