2022 Spring Bears

It's a joke that 520 has the sow quota. No shortage of bears in that part of the state.
I really don’t mind the sow quota and I’m happy to have more bears around because of it. I just wish people would make an attempt to be a little more selective.

I do think the east and west halves of 520 should be managed separately.
It's a joke that 520 has the sow quota. No shortage of bears in that part of the state.
520 needs a sow quota 520 could be split into 2 districts. If 520 didn't have a sow quota it wouldn't have the population it has now

I'm with Shawn Stewart who's got over 50 years of biology experience in the tooths....
Gotta punch a tag man...... how else you gonna get the gram followers without a couple paper triangles laying in the fur?

With all due respect, and understanding in what you’re talking about, tags aren’t cheap and lots of folks hunt for food. I know I personally wouldn’t eat a tag just holding out for a boar. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t do it for IG posts and YouTube videos, I do it to fill the freezer
With all due respect, and understanding in what you’re talking about, tags aren’t cheap and lots of folks hunt for food. I know I personally wouldn’t eat a tag just holding out for a boar. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t do it for IG posts and YouTube videos, I do it to fill the freezer
Resident tags are 20 bucks I think. Nr are 300 I think? So not too bad.

Hey to each his own man. Guess if I was bear hunting for meat it wouldn't be in the spring. I do agree though with you as well. I do enjoy bear meat. My comment was more of a joke given the world we live in.
With all due respect, and understanding in what you’re talking about, tags aren’t cheap and lots of folks hunt for food. I know I personally wouldn’t eat a tag just holding out for a boar. Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t do it for IG posts and YouTube videos, I do it to fill the freezer
I wouldn't call myself a trophy hunter, but.................

Walking up on a small WT deer............ Ok, no issue.

Walking up on a small Pronghorn............Ok, no issue

Walking up on a small elk............ Ok, no issue........

Walking up on a small bear................. Uff, nothing worse even if you're going to eat it. There is nothing on them!
Are bears good table fare? I’ve never shot one. I would like to but I worry about having to eat it.
Hey to each his own man. Guess if I was bear hunting for meat it wouldn't be in the spring. I do agree though with you as well. I do enjoy bear meat. My comment was more of a joke given the world we live in.
All good. My personal thoughts would be that spring, high mountain foraging bear meat would be better than overly fatty fall bear that may have even made their way to some human trash. I have way less experience than most in the bear world though so there is that. Haha
I will never forget a friend of mine arrowed a "Big Boar" up in AK years back right at dark. We got on the track the next AM after a long rainy night and ended up grid searching. I remember finding the bear laying on its back, with it's paw over its chest like "you shot me" but I couldn't stop laughing at the size of the bear. It poured all night and made it even smaller as the hide was soaked.

Needless to say, checking that bear in was comedy hour part 2. I can't think of any animal that ground shrinkage occurs in such a horrible way. Serious, when your lab is as big as the bear is, I will steal a quote from a current great figure in power......"Come on man" sometimes you should just pass.
Are bears good table fare? I’ve never shot one. I would like to but I worry about having to eat it.

They're disgustingly yucky! Stay away, not even worth the gas money. Yuck, who would waste their time hunting delicious bears!?!?!?!

Spring bears are good, fall bears are even better! I'm usually too busy hunting other things in the fall though and when I'm not hunting those other things I try to be home to avoid getting a divorce, if she leaves me though, watch out fall bears!!!

Edit: don't eat bears who live in a 10k radius of a dump...
Weighted in 39 lb pack incl. water and 7 days of food for a wilderness hike. Add in rifle, chest harness and grizzly defense, 54 lbs total. Just need 5’ of snow to melt…or maybe e-scout something at a lower elevation 😂😂
Intentionally killing a little sow bear, with the excuses of license price and feeding the family, would have me reevaluating all sorts of things in my life.
Maybe I’m looking at it wrong. I’ve killed one bear in my life so I’m new to that game. Sadly enough, there is a lot of shoot shovel and shut up with bears in my neck of the woods. I never participated but I know many who look at bears as a nuisance. Not me but I’m just saying

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