2022 HuntTalk NASCAR Fantasy League open for business

Looks like we all got beat by a guy that didn't even try! 😳 Somehow managed a top 5 out of that mess. @seeth07, just so you know, switching back to the way we started cost me 22 bonus stage points! 291 in the DGG league with the same picks. 🙄
Looks like we all got beat by a guy that didn't even try! 😳 Somehow managed a top 5 out of that mess. @seeth07, just so you know, switching back to the way we started cost me 22 bonus stage points! 291 in the DGG league with the same picks. 🙄
I’m glad you’re an honest guy but you should’ve just changed it and helped us all 😂
I just cant beat my wife....she beats me at everything, I don't feel very manly these days...
Good thing you wanted me to keep the old scoring. You would have only picked up 3 more points, but she would have gained 18!
Good thing you wanted me to keep the old scoring. You would have only picked up 3 more points, but she would have gained 18!
Yes, that's because my strategy doesn't involve around focusing on drivers that do well at each stage but rather at the end. Its actually a pretty big difference if you look at the last two years worth of races. Some drivers on certain tracks get lots of stage points (they are consistently running top 10).
Hey guys~ Sorry I go in and out. Quick update on the BS and then to the racing. I lose the feeling in my arms and hands, they tested my neural pathways, and everything is good, I do not recommend the "indepth EMG" they stick a meat probe into your muscles and then move it around and listen to it scream... i can explain better but thats a good visual. LOL
Everything tests ok- they think its just a combination of my brain being #@)(*%* from the TBI and then the constant muscle spasms pushing into the nerve clusters so they gave me massage... praying that it works out, I lost my hunt last year in New Mexico because of the injuries so I haven't recovered emotionally yet.
I do DBT which is a really hard mental health training for PTSD and stuff on Thursdays, so that is a day I should be reaching out in the evenings but I dont, I am not good at socializing anymore, I get hot about a lot of stuff and my opinions differ from so many people that I dont want to start fights because where most people move on with their day, I would actually fight- its my brain, so I just dont talk to anyone. I hate my life 92% of the time, but then my kids smile at me and I think... how the #*^@#* am I even doing this right at all, every card is stacked against me.

Now to the racing- I forgot to change my drivers (week 2 was on purpose) - well... looks like taking an edible and going with the whole "if it aint broke dont fix it" thing kind of worked, only...it was really broke, because wasn't i in last place??? Watch out middle of the pack, here i come!
Also, just a head's up- I get confused on the site where you change players and stuff, I can't tell how the points work and how to see my points from a previous week, I feel retarded as #*^@#* on there, so I tend to just pick people I think do good on the track (when i remember to pick - TBI's are fun). Anyway to figure that out? Yahoo was so easy in the day LOL.
You are certainly right about the website....it has a learning curve to it!
OK, I'll try to make things as simple as I can. That may be harder than it sounds, I tend to ramble sometimes! :rolleyes:

1. Points from previous races.

When you get to your "entry" page there is a row of choices across the top. Click on "picks/scores". From there you just click on any of the numbers listed in the row to see how you did for that race. For this session, 1 was Daytona 500, 2 was Auto Club, etc. on a weekly basis.

2. How the points work.

On the same line of choices where you found "picks/scores" you will find "about". Once there click on "point structure". That will list all of the points and how they are given.

Picking your drivers? Can't help you much there, pal! 🤷‍♂️ That's a personal choice. You can "research" by searching for past race stats, current driver odds, and so on as well as "gut feeling". Once practice and qualifying are done you can use those numbers to decide if you want to swap any guys around from starters to bench. That's just an easy click and drag thing.

Enough for now, your brain may be hurting already. Hit me up with any questions and we'll go from there.

aw that makes sense- I used to play this all the time on Yahoo before my brain got special. LOL Thanks, I will try to be more active, I just struggle right now, I appreciate you pushing me out from under my rock. I am thinking about hunting turkeys, but we dont have many right here where I live and my wife doesn't want me driving far right now- lol
No problem. If you need any help with things just ask! I may not be the smartest guy in the bunch but I have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express! 😉

Be careful turkey hunting. Folks freak out about guys with shotguns in the grocery store! 😳
No problem. If you need any help with things just ask! I may not be the smartest guy in the bunch but I have stayed in a Holiday Inn Express! 😉

Be careful turkey hunting. Folks freak out about guys with shotguns in the grocery store! 😳
Facts- last time some Karen pointed her finger at me for catfishing- I can’t do nothing man.
Caribou Gear

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