Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

2022 Fat-Off

In February I had to go to the dock to get steroid injections into my arthritic left hip (another present from uncle sugar) and was asked to step on the scale. OUCH!!! I REALLY enjoyed my Midwestern swing last fall food and beer wise. That was the most I have weighed since playing left tackle in HS. Just before Valentine's Day I started low carbing it (the way I have cut weight since way back in my competitive boxing days). As of today I am down 33 lbs......7 more to be at my initial goal (another 10 would be even better)...nobody needs to see a fat old guy at the pool!!!!!
I weigh the same now as I did in high school--been trying to gain 20 lbs for 25 years. 🤷‍♂️

Mostly a seefood diet. See food, eat it. Doesn't work.

Just thought I'd share some motivational words... 😜
I'm 32. I'm 6'2”. In college, I dropped down to 155 after I had to quit working out for a while, and I've been wanting to put on muscle weight ever since.

I've recently discovered the secret- The first is consistent effort at the gym- have to actually schedule time for it three times a week, which has been pretty difficult with my work schedule. The second is chocolate banana protein shakes made with half and half- tastes like a milkshake, and I'm afraid to look at the calorie count. Initially started doing it because the stuff lasts a lot longer than milk and tastes better than water.
I’m almost 53 and holding at 169-172
But I’ve worked hard to not get a man boiler and love handles, It’s so hard to lose weight as we get older , I put on some weight early in my life and took a looooong time to get it down. So I always am conscious of what I eat now, and just try to avoid some foods. Good luck to all you guys getting after it , it takes at least 90 days to change your lifestyle patterns and redirect your eating and workout habits , stay consistent and don’t give up ……
Playing ball in college I was 212 and wanted to get to 230, I ate everything and couldn’t gain weight. For 10 years I held around 225. After ice fishing last year I felt like a turd and stepped on the scale. 245 told me I probably needed to cut down. From May to august I got down to 205. After another ice season I’m up to 215. I’d like to get down to 195 or so. Hopefully this summer.
So I get in shape to hunt out west every year, well I had some less strenuous hunts las fall and didn't get in as good as shape as I should, but that didn't effect my hunts. But I went into the winter with more pounds then usual and ate like crap and now am the biggest I have been. So trying to cut my weight ahead of schedule this year and keep it off. My issue is quantity of food I eat. But I think I am a dang good cook so its hard to keep portions in check. Goal is to get down to 220-230 for this fall.
In February I had to go to the dock to get steroid injections into my arthritic left hip (another present from uncle sugar) and was asked to step on the scale. OUCH!!! I REALLY enjoyed my Midwestern swing last fall food and beer wise. That was the most I have weighed since playing left tackle in HS. Just before Valentine's Day I started low carbing it (the way I have cut weight since way back in my competitive boxing days). As of today I am down 33 lbs......7 more to be at my initial goal (another 10 would be even better)...nobody needs to see a fat old guy at the pool!!!!!
Does that mean this fall we will skip the Hoosier Tenderloin Tour and drink Whiteclaw? It just won't be right taking you to my favorite place to get salad!😪
Well hell, the nasty wind storm that was supposed to blast through Las Vegas this morning isn't here yet. I'm gonna go climb. I get a lot harder work out climbing than I do at the gym.
I'm a little late to this party but working from home for 2 years and a deep abiding love for beer, bourbon and food put me at my heaviest ever. 2 weeks ago was my reality check at 246lbs. It's still early but down 8lb so far. My goal is 205 by June 1.
I'm down a total of 16 so far. Slow going but I'm averaging about 1.5lbs a week so not too bad. I just wish i could lose at the same pace I can gain. I'm confident I could gain those 16 back in 2 weeks or less. Haha
So I have never had a weight problem unless adding more was a goal. And it would be mussle mass added. I once weighed 210 carrying nail bags all day. I did have a slight roll,I thought. And I drank,some. LOL

Hate me. My sisters & the girlfriends Metabalism.

I weighed 185 in 1974 and weigh 180 now. 6'2". I lost 20 after the heart attack. Lost my mussle mass. Getting back to 180 and some mussle was hard without working like I used to.
Back to walking every day. Pushups,sit ups,pull ups. Like in the service.
I only drink well water & coffee. Eat good food,usually. Pie is an treat.
Shaved my hunt beard off the other day and I need to work on strengthening my chicken neck,but with the neck injuries I have had that is not getting near what it was. But it does not hurt anymore.
Today I cut & split a few days of firewood and carried a pile into the house,then filled the wheelbarrow.
I feel better than I have in many years. Sober 33 years next month.

With this pandemic and the shape I see most folks around here,& those who show during hunts,they should be concerned. For their health. For their families health.

Sounds like some of you need to self motivate. Daily. Much easier to go on an elk hunt then,just sayin'.
Congratulations on 33 years!!!! You are my new hero!!

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