Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

2022 Fat-Off

What I don't see from you all is your age! If you're 25-35 and can't drop weight you're not trying.
I have been 232 longer than I can remember. When I discovered Klondike Bars I piled on 15# no problem. I modified my seefood diet and dropped to 224 over a couple months. I'll be 70 next week. I don't set any distant goals, just 1 pound at a time.
36 years old and I’m in the 230 ballpark and my goal is 200 for elk bow season.
I weigh the same now as I did in high school--been trying to gain 20 lbs for 25 years. 🤷‍♂️

Mostly a seefood diet. See food, eat it. Doesn't work.

Just thought I'd share some motivational words... 😜
What I don't see from you all is your age! If you're 25-35 and can't drop weight you're not trying.
I have been 232 longer than I can remember. When I discovered Klondike Bars I piled on 15# no problem. I modified my seefood diet and dropped to 224 over a couple months. I'll be 70 next week. I don't set any distant goals, just 1 pound at a time.

So true, I never even gave (didn’t have to) my weight a thought till about 53, then the good old metabolism shifted into granny. Somehow found an even lower gear at retirement a couple years ago🤦🏼
Now coming up 63 it’s a combination of working to stay in shape while getting failed parts replaced…sucks!
So true, I never even gave (didn’t have to) my weight a thought till about 53, then the good old metabolism shifted into granny. Somehow found an even lower gear at retirement a couple years ago🤦🏼
Now coming up 63 it’s a combination of working to stay in shape while getting failed parts replaced…sucks!
I here you on the failed parts. I'm still OEM but I've had a lot of stuff modified, repaired and rebuilt. My mind thinks I'm in my 30's but my body disagrees.
Three months ago, I hit an all-time record of 235 lbs. and decided I needed to do something about it. Three weeks ago I was at 224lbs. Unfortunately, today I am still 224lbs. I seem to have hit a wall.
I'm 39. I did good at maintaining weight until about 35. Between 35 and 38 I started putting on weight like crazy.

So this year, right before my 39th birthday, I started decreasing my intake and increasing my output and it has done wonders.
I got up to about 260 about 2008 or so. The older a guy gets the more ya got to watch things like blood sugar. Just getting dedicated to that test every day is a motivator.

Something about getting tossed in to my grave a piece at a time, some times it is a motivator, other times I wanna just toss it all to the wind. Sit down have a good stiff drink, an apply pie, ice cream and chocolate cake. Then I KNOW it is bad so I don't want to test and look at it. That is when I'm in REAL trouble. Get scared, hammer that bicycle for a couple hours a day for a few days. Then I get up the nerve to start testing again and I'm usually on track again for a few months.

I was about 220 year ago and after COVID left me down in the 190's. Unfortunately I been back sliding a little at a time since. All my pants, even the new ones, are all still too big on me but I KNOW. I gotta quit that. I'm 67.
I'm generally in the same boat, when I'm actually active and doing something I like and want to do I don't eat for a few days. But by like day 5 or 6, it catches up and I can't stop eating. On a backpack hunt I plan on 1.25 pounds of food per day total. I don't eat it all for the first half, then eat the surplus the rest of the trip.

I'm a micromanager so I check everyday and adjust accordingly. I figured a few years ago that I was getting too old to "get" in-shape (f@#$ it's hard to do) and needed to focus harder on "staying" in-shape. I won't put out any actual numbers, but I'm not drinking beer for the next month to try to trim back the extra. We'll see how many cheat days I end up with.

Kauai in Feb, need to see more abs by then because I know pics will be taken.
Shoot @neffa3 , just saw this! How did you do and where are the pics?
I'm sitting here on the couch scratching my dogs butt, eating wild hog pepper sticks and an RCBS Root Beer. Next I'll move on the Wheat Thins with a crab/shrimp dip and watch NASCAR. That's my seefood diet for the day.
I'm 230 on a good day, would like to be 200 by September for hunting season. I mainly plan on running, weighted pack hiking, and learning how to not eat the whole dang cow at every meal lol
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