
2022 Colorado draw results!!!!

How do you guys know what season you got? If we are hit today does it mean we got 1st choice?
We were all in to hunt the same unit and season. Having second and third choices would have put us in different units or seasons. Better not to risk it. Also it was pretty much a sure thing based on history but there is always that slim chance things could get wonky.
you guys make me jealous. I keep telling myself to apply for CO tags but never do as I don't exactly want to go alone...
There is a section on this site where you can find a buddy and go. Life’s too short to not find someone you can tolerate for a week to chase elk with. Who knows, you might just make a lifelong friend
Well drew a 1st Rifle bull tag again this year! SFC B see you in October my friend.
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Well, my elk points just increased by 1. So I guess that means I drew my second choice! First season cow tag, here I come.
As for the rest: I got a bear point and a 2nd choice rifle tag (sitting on 17 bear points now). The deer draw resulted in a point and a 2nd choice muzzleloader tag. The antelope draw has graced me with a buck tag in my favorite unit!

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