PEAX Equipment

2022/2023 Trapping Thread


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2013
It looks like we need to get a trapping thread rolling this year so I’ll get it started.

We have been in a really bad drought this year here with most ditches and small streams completely dried up. So, nobody is having beaver problems. With no public land around, that pretty much erases all opportunity. I did notice one new dam on a creek a few miles from my house and quickly got the farmer’s blessing to go after them. I found a bank den and set a 330. As I crossed the creek to look for another bank den I heard a commotion behind me. Turned around and beaver #1 was in the books. A 57 pounder.


The next day I checked and had another nice one in a bank den about 100 yards downstream from the feed pile. A nice dark 55 pounder.


By the size of the feed pile I figured these were the only two beavers there, so I made some bottom edge sets with 110s and caught a few muskrats.


Within a few days the creek froze solid. It creates more work for trap checking but seems to get critters moving. My check Monday produced a very big otter along with a mink. Definitely a good day.


With a new job and young kids, my trapping will be very limited. We will do a family trip for marten again in a few weeks and I plan to have at least a few sets out for mink and otter for the next month or so, but that’ll be about it for me.

Next check is tomorrow morning. Chopping ice in -20 windchill to check traps. I love it. Hopefully I have a critter to report.

Please post your trapping pics and stories!
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Our rifle deer season ends Sunday and then I'll start getting some steel out. Have a few farmers that I trap beaver or predators or both for permission to hunt. I'll wait for Christmas break to set my coon line on my farm so the kids can help. Had a really good year with the coyotes last year, and the bobcats and beavers the year before. Wish I could find a few muskrats to trap. Goodluck everyone!
It looks like we need to get a trapping thread rolling this year so I’ll get it started.

We have been in a really bad drought this year here with most ditches and small streams completely dried up. So, nobody is having beaver problems. With no public land around, that pretty much erases all opportunity. I did notice one new dam on a creek a few miles from my house and quickly got the farmer’s blessing to go after them. I found a bank den and set a 330. As I crossed the creek to look for another bank den I heard a commotion behind me. Turned around and beaver #1 was in the books. A 57 pounder.

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The next day I checked and had another nice one in a bank den about 100 yards downstream from the feed pile. A nice dark 55 pounder.

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By the size of the feed pile I figured these were the only two beavers there, so I made some bottom edge sets with 110s and caught a few muskrats.

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Within a few days the creek froze solid. It creates more work for trap checking but seems to get critters moving. My check Monday produced a very big otter along with a mink. Definitely a good day.

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With a new job and young kids, my trapping will be very limited. We will do a family trip for marten again in a few weeks and I plan to have at least a few sets out for mink and otter for the next month or so, but that’ll be about it for me.

Next check is tomorrow morning. Chopping ice in -20 windchill to check traps. I love it. Hopefully I have a critter to report.

Please post if you are catching any critters!
'Bout time you hired some good help! He's a happy helper.
We had out about 2 dozen traps, coils springs, Thanksgiving week. Ended up with 3 coyotes, one shot not trapped.
We have a break until after Christmas then we'll hit it hard for 2 months on bobcats and coyotes.
We need to get some nuisance beavers out of the creek so this will be a learning experience for us.

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Trap check this morning produced 2 more otters. I can only catch 1 more so I pulled most of my traps. Either trapping season is going to be ending very soon for me or this last one will drag out for another month.

Growing up, there were zero otters around. I saw my first tracks in the snow about 10 years ago. Now they are everywhere. Pretty cool.

Was hoping to check the traps for my last otter this morning but I got a kidney stone instead. Holy crap, I’d rather get both hands and a testicle caught in a 330 than go through this again.


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I have never experienced a kidney stone I knock on wood that I don't ever have to. May it pass swiftly and as painlessly as possible. Love the pics and smiles on the little guy!!! Trapping is something I would love to do. Just not an option in my area.
Was hoping to check the traps for my last otter this morning but I got a kidney stone instead. Holy crap, I’d rather get both hands and a testicle caught in a 330 than go through this again.
Feel for ya. Probably had close to 15 over the last 12 years with 2 visits to the ER. One time in the ER I mentioned to the Dr. that I heard it was similar to having a baby. He laughed and totally disagreed explaining nobody volunteers to have another kidney stone.
Feel for ya. Probably had close to 15 over the last 12 years with 2 visits to the ER. One time in the ER I mentioned to the Dr. that I heard it was similar to having a baby. He laughed and totally disagreed explaining nobody volunteers to have another kidney stone.
15 years together with my wife and I don’t know that I ever cursed in front of her. That changed in a big way this morning. Still waiting to pass this bugger but the pain meds definitely help.
Love the otters! I think those things are awesome. Would love to get my hands on one someday, but I doubt that will happen.
I trapped a lot in college and really miss that. Mostly muskrats, but also coons. Made a lot of money for a college kid. Prices were high then. Now with a job and kid and other commitments, I don't get out near as often as I'd like, but every couple years I help my dad do some rat sets through the ice over Christmas.

I pissed a kidney stone out in between classes in college one time. Wasn't fun.
Was hoping to check the traps for my last otter this morning but I got a kidney stone instead. Holy crap, I’d rather get both hands and a testicle caught in a 330 than go through this again.
I have passed twenty one of those little darlings thus far.
Some the size of peas and shaped like a cockleburr.
They sure let you know you are alive... and make you wish you weren't!
Hoping this will be your last one!
My son and I got our last otter today. All traps are pulled. We’ll try for some marten next weekend and then hopefully others can chime in because that’ll be about it for the season for me unless I get a call about some beavers that need trapping.


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One thing I love about low fur prices is that I’m pretty much alone out there. I always like to find evidence of old sets, there are old bobcat sets almost anywhere you’d want to put one now. The fur boom must have been crowded!
I set this marten cubby and then noticed that what I though was just an old limb was actually an old leaning pole wired to the fir was along way from anywhere. Well it was the only trap that connected on my first check. I had several refusals, which I never really have before. Thinking I may have to add some leaning pole below my 120’s. 121E0D3E-19B7-49D7-8C78-E91F4443A586.jpeg