
2021 Talkie Awards - Best Hunt Recap

I am glad that so many enjoyed my story, But @Greenhorn is being humble and his story is far better for the following reasons.
A once in a life time hunt and he gave it his all.
He kept us riding shotgun all summer and fall until the end of November.
The photography was spectacular. So many great landscape shots.
He was an example for all when you finish second to an eighty year old man.
The closest I got to a yoga girl encounter was a pair of annoying geese.
@Hunting Wife

I am very thankful for your attention to this all year. I just re-read your nomination list, and with each title, a little bit of pleasure inducing endorphins were released in my brain as I recalled the theme, storyline and photos of the thread.

Seemingly the two most mentioned threads (antlerradar and Greenhorn) chronologically were opposites. Readers knew that the big whitetail story was going to lead to a harvest while greenhorn‘s story was about as live as it gets.

To those (already) nominated, lots of applause from the Flint Hills. Thank you for your efforts to tell your adventure story.
After reading these stories this year how can you pick just one winner? In my eyes they are all winners as they portray the essence of the will and determination of those who love the outdoors and hunting. They each show the ethics, respect and love of the hunt. So, who's the winner? We are because they have shared their world and moment in time with all of us.

Congratulations to each one of you who shared your story with us.

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