PEAX Equipment

2021 Idaho Draw Results!

I drew an extra cow tag, my wife drew with me and she drew an extra doe tag. My daughter drew an extra doe tag. Plus my youngest just completed Hunters Ed.

Going to be a fun season with the following:
Idaho OTC deer--October
Idaho OTC elk-- Deciding between archery or general rifle (Sep v Nov)
Idaho X deer-- November
Idaho X elk-- December
MT Deer-- November
MT Youth Deer Opener-- October

Pending MT Antelope...
Still in disbelief i drew my lope tag! I applied with attitude of why not apply its on my way to my deer/elk general hunt. I applied for a LONG shot deer and elk tags but atleast nonresidents have drawn them every year. This lope tag was last hunted by a non resident in 2017! Holy cow.... i hunted this unit on a unlimited 2 or 3 years ago and decided if i was to come back i would require a rifle. The most skittish lope i have ever seen but cool country and a challenging hunt. Looking at idaho data (not sure how accurate horn legth data they have is) its got decent bucks but nothing near booner status which matchs what i seen when there. Sorry for multiple posts, was scouting a elk tag and had very limited reception, had to "wait in line 25 mins" and not move

Matt, congrats on the unlimited! Lol
No luck for elk or antelope for me. But drew a SE ID Deer tag!! Very happy!! Open country hunting Mulies here I come. I'll be trading in my White-tailed Deer tag.
Confirmed I need to return my ID White-tailed tag. I am not sure if they reissue it but it was good for any area open for white-tail. It is a DAV tag. Good luck hope someone gets it.
I got lucky and drew my unit 13 mule deer buck tag. Anyone have any knowledge on it? It has pretty limited access and little public land. Thanks for the help and good luck.
I drew the elk tag that I have been unsuccessful applying for, for 16 years. My 11 year old boy drew the same unit for elk, his hunt starts after mine ends, on his first time applying. We were both unsuccessful on our pronghorn tags. My oldest boy drew his unlimited deer tag, which that's about all he will have time to hunt this year because of football. It looks like we are going to have a very busy October.
Pulled my unlimited archery antelope. Time to find try and find water in unit 40. That task could be more daunting than finding goats.

My hunting partner managed to draw a coveted elk tag, lucky @ss that he is. That’s two highline tags in 3 years for him.

When I told my wife that he had drawn she asked if I was going to go with. I said “That’s not the question. The question is will my wife let me head to the woods 2 weeks before her due date.” She said no. So I had to tell my friend that I can’t go out and play, I’m grounded.
Struck out on my deer and antelope tag but drew my elk tag. Tag is valid from October 1 - October 31, any weapon, antlered only. Hoping to hit it hard before the general deer season starts on October 10th and more hunters move into the area. I have been camping in the area multiple times but never been in the unit in September or October. It has some crazy steep terrain but luckily the higher elevation is bare so should be easy to eliminate the highest country with a spotting scope. I hope the rut is still going strong during the first part of October. My question to all is, how long do you all give a spot before moving on? Is it worth sitting at a glassing spot for an entire day? Is a morning or evening sit enough?

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