2021 Colorado Draw Results

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You’re doing yeoman’s work!
@wllm1313 is a very kind and very honorable fellow. The two of us agree on things here and there and disagree fairly often, yet he has been very helpful on a few topics in pm, and according to my memory has never insulted me over any of our disagreements. He’s a fine person and is deserving of whatever respect he gets.
Ok everyone we have a legend in our presence! The article from gohunt on draw results was good but the comment section is what got me @wllm1313 is a legend and produced some amazing data that gohunt basically said would take to many hours. It is an insider article so I can’t post the link but basically mirrors this thread.
Ok everyone we have a legend in our presence! The article from gohunt on draw results was good but the comment section is what got me @wllm1313 is a legend and produced some amazing data that gohunt basically said would take to many hours. It is an insider article so I can’t post the link but basically mirrors this thread.
There are a lot of ways to think about the draws. Was gohunt totally off or spot on? It all depends on your perspective. Are we talking residents? Non-residents? All tags? Just premium tags. Are we saying that CPW quotas are related or unrelated, like if they drop a quota are we attributing that to the season dates and therefore point creep due to season dates. Do we know that's what happened. If a tag moves from 3rd choice to 100% at zero points is that point creep? Are we looking at private land tags, RWF tags, plains tags, youth tags, etc etc. Colorado cuts up it's tags in an obscenely complicated fashion.

## Plug for mandatory reporting
## If you are going to chop up your draw into over 970+ unique codes, with distinct groupings, that change
## for each season then you probably should know exactly when/where/how people are killing critters
## we manage deer down to quotas of 5 bucks for a specific unit/season in some cases, but then report on a DAU basis with ##<1% random sample @cedahm, will they never listen to us.

Here are the quotas for the seasons I'm talking about for the last 3 years. Note trimming 4th season and expanding 2nd.


Here's my perspective. Wide swings in points, but the majority of tags didn't experience much change.

This is the change in points from 2020 to 2021 and then the number of tags that were subject to that change. So this year there was point leap and point crash, but for a small percentage of total tags.

This shows the Res and NR quota in each point level. So for hunt codes, in the 2/3/4 rifle subset, at the 20pt level for residents there are 4 tags.

Essentially 85% of the rifle 2/3/4 tags in CO are in units that a NR can draw with 2 points or less.


So what does the mean for "the traveling NR hunter"? Well IMHO if you stuck to the cheap seats in 2021 you didn't have much to worry about, especially if you hedged your bets a bit and didn't ride the bubble, if you had big dreams it was a little crazy.

@Oak thanks

* Numbers don't add up in some cases across tables because of changes in hunt codes year to year, I chose to drop youth tags instead of having to deal with them, I filtered our nulls, etc.
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## Plug for mandatory reporting
## If you are going to chop up your draw into over 970+ unique codes, with distinct groupings, that change
## for each season then you probably should know exactly when/where/how people are killing critters
## we manage deer down to quotas of 5 bucks for a specific unit/season in some cases, but then report on a DAU basis with ##<1% random sample @cedahm, will they never listen to us.

I totally missed the changed Fall Turkey draw deadline for this year. I had it mentally engrained to apply after draw results week for a late June deadline. Sad times! I'll probably still get the tag I want, but more importantly won't have a point for next spring.
I totally missed the changed Fall Turkey draw deadline for this year. I had it mentally engrained to apply after draw results week for a late June deadline. Sad times! I'll probably still get the tag I want, but more importantly won't have a point for next spring.
OMG - I almost did the same. I just happened to see it on one of the 'unsuccessful' emails for another species (I usually don't read those emails since it's all in your account info before the email comes out).

2021-06-07 11_15_15-Mail - Chris Dahm - Outlook.png

It was also in the regulations, but I missed it there, too

2021-06-07 11_00_47-turkey.pdf.png
I assume Secondary List will be out shortly now that fall Turkey is posted
I'm guessing it won't be out until after the noon Friday payment deadline for the first draw. Could be wrong.
Good point. I take back my statement. Easy enough to see what went to leftovers on the draw report.

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