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2021 Colorado Draw Results

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I got my buck and bear tags but I need an elk tag. When do they post the 2nd draw list? I forgot.

Early June

Was feeling good about drawing my third season buck tag, hoping the apparently magical CO dates will overcome my lack of skill as a hunter. No CC hit for elk, yet, though, which was the tag I really want...
Hi everyone. It's been years since I used Hunt Talk, but it's always been a great source and group of individuals to chat about the outdoors etc. It's been over a decade since I hunted Colorado, but I'll be there this Fall. With the season restructure, I wasn't sure if 25 points would be enough for 3rd Season Mule Deer in Unit 44. Well, it was. Back to zero points on deer and going after a Muley in late November. Hope many of you had luck in the draw for whatever big game you'll be chasing this Fall.
My card just got hit for $105.51.....I think that’s the cost of a NR youth cow tag? Fingers crossed that my son drew a 201 cow muzzleloader elk tag.

just looked it up....That’s the cost of a NR youth elk/fishing combo!

Crazy draw year so far! NM unit 15 bull tag now a CO elk tag and bear tag.

We still have AZ deer to go.
Tried 3rd. last year for 66 and didn’t draw so figured that was out. Could have drawn 67 3rd. last year but thought that might not work this year. So 55 was my choice. I think I saw somewhere where someone tried for 55 3rd this year with 15 points and didn’t draw. I felt like I had a lot of points but just not enough and it wouldn’t get any better.
yeah i decided not to even try to draw this year. i’m going to break the bank for a unit wide landowner tag. i didn’t want to miss out on hunting this year in case the worst happens and the age class gets destroyed by these new later dates

Matthew's Nevada elk tag is going to cost even more than the $1,201 that Nevada charges. Add in the return of two Colorado deer tags that conflict with the dates and the conservation funding cycle continues.

I expected more point creep for 2nd seasons and hoped I would be on the outside looking in. I suspect it was very dependent upon the unit.
I didn’t draw 2nd season with 10 points. Same tag took 6 last year. I was expecting to be deer hunting in CO this year. 👎🏼
No hit yet for elk for me. I suppose there’s still a chance, but I get the feeling I’ll be hunting at home more this year...

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