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2020 oregon results

Wife and I drew our normal deer tags as expected. Both boys got series 600 deer tags and one boy also got a Gerber Reservoir youth antelope tag. Little bugger now has antelope tags for OR, UT, and WY this year.

That is awesome! Good chance of tagging a nice buck for him.

Didn't draw but I only put in for way long shots.
I drew both of my second choices. I'm HUNTING!

Buck Deer 119A - W High Cascade (rifle) 09/12/2020 - 11/06/2020
Elk 210X - Saddle Mt Unit No. 1 (rifle) 11/14/2020 - 11/17/2020

I'm also going to do general archery elk if I can get my skills up to snuff in time.


You will have to choose between general archery and that Saddle Mountain elk tag. Can only have one elk tag in Oregon.

I noticed yesterday that my unsuccessful spring bear app from February still showed active. You have to look at your hunt choices to see what you drew.

Thanks. Once I clicked on one of them, all the rest of my app results filled in. Weird.

I picked up a second choice cow tag, but other than that—nada.
I always work the second choice line on our apps pretty carefully to find opportunities while building points. We drew 4 elk, 3 deer, and 2 antlerless deer in our family of 5. Used points only for the 2 antlerless tags. Now I need to review the leftover list and then probably settle on a plan for a couple more general tags, as well as a First Time Hunter tag for my youngest.

My two oldest kids drew a youth late-season any deer tag that takes 4 points, so hopefully that provides a good hunt for them.

I'm moderately excited to draw a Walla Walla unit spike elk rifle tag. Not a trophy hunt itself, but I have the points to draw the any bull tag next year, so this is a combination of hunting and scouting.

I always work the second choice line on our apps pretty carefully to find opportunities while building points.
This is only my second year hunting but that was my strategy too. I put in for total long shots for first choice and then used the OregonTags site to find likely (90%+) chance units for second choice. I drew both this year but still get to keep my points for one of those long shots in the future.

Good luck on your hunts @QuazyQuinton
This is the 25% random. First 75% go to the people with the most preference points (except sheep, goat, and premium). The remaining 25% (and all sheep, goat, and premium) are open to everyone, but these numbers are what are used to draw the random tags.

Don't give up too soon. For hunts that have more than one or two tags, you may not have to be real close to the seed number to be drawn.

They use the seed numbers for all draws; they sort within a point group by random number then go up from the seed number filling tags.
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I always work the second choice line on our apps pretty carefully to find opportunities while building points. We drew 4 elk, 3 deer, and 2 antlerless deer in our family of 5. Used points only for the 2 antlerless tags. Now I need to review the leftover list and then probably settle on a plan for a couple more general tags, as well as a First Time Hunter tag for my youngest.

My two oldest kids drew a youth late-season any deer tag that takes 4 points, so hopefully that provides a good hunt for them.

I'm moderately excited to draw a Walla Walla unit spike elk rifle tag. Not a trophy hunt itself, but I have the points to draw the any bull tag next year, so this is a combination of hunting and scouting.

Hey QQ let me know if you need any assistance scouting the Walla Walla next year. I’d be happy to help, spent an inordinate amount of time up there.

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