Kenetrek Boots

2019 Uncle Larry

I totally enjoyed those two episodes and how fitting he shot the wrong Bull. You are a lucky man in life when you have had an "uncle Larry" and got to pay back and take him hunting. What an awesome circle of life so happy for Big Fin. Great video on so many ways!! Keep up the good work.
I've been looking forward to the Uncle Larry shows more than any of the others. It's very inspiring to see all the obstacles he had to over come to make this hunt happen and then to show up raring to go with a smile on his face. It was great. Good Job Uncle Larry. Hopefully there are many more hunts in your future.
I enjoyed the Uncle Larry episodes myself. After my dad died, I settled into a routine of hunting regularly with "Uncle Jack" who passed away a few years ago. I miss the family hunting but have no kids of my own and all my uncles that can or do hunt are now over that rainbow bridge. I tell everyone to enjoy that camaraderie in provides now while you have the chance or it might be too late as in my case. EDIT: I should add, my situation was brought on by military service. I served 26 years and could not hunt regular with them like I wished I could.
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I always enjoy the episodes with Uncle Larry. I also notice the contents of the shopping cart looks mighty similar to ours. :)
I thoroughly enjoyed the uncle Larry hunt, especially when Randy explained in the first video about a previous hunt. That it appeared uncle Larry was stopping mid sentan email, when actually it was his cussing😂. For Larry to have to go thru all the cancer treatments, heart issues and other ailments and still hunt “ God Bless him” A bigger thank you to Randy and crew for getting it done. Hope to see you again at the WSF show in Reno!
Another great series. Thank you,
Wasn't it stated at one time that if you found a set of antlers they were to be placed in a tree? It was stated something about tradition or respect, not sure, would have to go back and try and find where that was referenced.
These episodes were great, Larry seems like the kind of guy that’s going to make whatever he’s involved with a blast! I don’t think anyone will watch these and not enjoy the show, awesome job keeping him in the field Randy!

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