PEAX Equipment

2019 Colorado Elk Recap

Couple take-aways from the trip.

For those who keep thinking about doing a trip like this but feel you live to far away or are intimidated by where to start, just go do it. The last two years have been highly successful for us, but it wasn't always that way. Took several years of pouring over maps and then getting out there and putting boots on the ground, crossing off spots that weren't worth the time and highlighting others that were. I ate a muzzleloader tag 3 years ago when the temps were pushing 90 everyday, instead of complaining we kept hiking and exploring while hoping for a little luck, learned a lot that year. That to me was half the fun, plus makes it that much more satisfying when you are successful.

Scrub oak/oak brush (whatever you want to call it) ranks up there on my list off nothing compares to it, right next to that Wyoming mud and Wyoming wind. All can be down right miserable.

You can't put enough emphasis on good boots and a good pack. Don't skimp on these two items.

Any time a newbie asks if they can tag along, take them. We had a non hunting newbie with us this year who just wanted to hike and see the views. Needless to say he is now hooked and will more than likely have a tag in pocket next year.
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