2015 Spring Black Bears

I love bear hunting and getting out, but to be honest I have a heaping pile of tanned bear hides sitting at home. If I got one or not didn't really matter to me but my non-res friend was now thinking this bear hunting stuff is so easy that I should shoot one. Day 4 found us at one of my local haunts, nearly 400mi from where we killed his. I looked at a promising hill in my binoculars and instantly spotted not one, but three bears together on the mountain! A big brown one, a big black one, and another smaller black one about 200yds below the other two. It was 3pm and we had a 1100' climb ahead of us. As we left the truck I mentioned I would prefer to kill the big black one, but if opportunity presented on the chocolate one I would take it. 50min into our hike we began to enter the openings on the mountain. I happened to look uphill in the scattered trees and saw a big brown noggin looking at us over the sagebrush at only 35yds. I slowly lowered the gun and shot off hand through its chest head-on. The bear dropped, made a few kicks and it was over. It happened so fast I was in a state of shock. The head looked much larger than i had originally guessed from 3 miles away in my spotting scope. He was a solid bear, beautifully colored. I was happy and my friend now really thinks this spring bear stuff is a cake walk:D Maybe I should bring him elk hunting next time!


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That is a badass bear buglem! Big head on him. Looks like he could be a booner?

It's not going to be Booner. I haven't measured it but it's smaller than a couple of my larger ones. A B&C bear is extremely rare. They don't seem to have the genetics in MT for melons like Alaska or BC.
Yes they are rare. From the picture his head just seemed real wide. Awesome bear regardless. I saw more bears than I ever have in a spring but didn't pull the trigger. Strange year in many ways for me. The bears and their sign seemed to be spread out and tough to pin point them . They weren't staying out in the open long either. They are by far one of my favorite animals to hunt. I'm convinced you will never figured them completely out.
Congratulations to both of you, couple nice bears there. Wish I was out there right now, love that spring bear hunting.
Those are some real nice looking bears! Congrats.

I've never hunted so much and seen so few, as this spring. I've been out 30+ days and all I've got to show for it is one small elk antler, and my man boobs have dropped two full cup sizes.Had one close call with a terrific bear and blew it because I thought I had all the time in the world. 10 days left to hunt.
Greenhorn, how do you like hunting in june? Ive never done it but wanted too. I usually have got one or get to busy working. I imagine it could be pretty sweet as the boars are probably catching a wiff of some hot sows
Great bears guys, congrats. I killed my spring bear this year in late may, in the blue mountains of Washington. Great hide on this chocolate colored bear. I will try to post pic's. He was chasing a black female, took him at 500 yards with my .300 win mag topped with the huskemaw scope. When I went to find the bear after I shot the black female was not happy, she stood up and looked at me from 60 yards and started woofing and snapping her jaws at me. She eventually walked away slowly, I found my bear dead about 100 yards away. Had to pack it out myself cause my dad's health wouldn't allow it, shot it at 9:30 am and got it back to the truck at 5pm. Good times!
I finally shot one. Saw 21 different bears (counting 4 cubs and 2 grizzlies). I think it was the 2nd largest I saw. I saw 4 good black bears, 6.5ft or better.

I saw you posted finally and was hoping for this outcome. Now I can't wait for pics! Congrats!
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