I love bear hunting and getting out, but to be honest I have a heaping pile of tanned bear hides sitting at home. If I got one or not didn't really matter to me but my non-res friend was now thinking this bear hunting stuff is so easy that I should shoot one. Day 4 found us at one of my local haunts, nearly 400mi from where we killed his. I looked at a promising hill in my binoculars and instantly spotted not one, but three bears together on the mountain! A big brown one, a big black one, and another smaller black one about 200yds below the other two. It was 3pm and we had a 1100' climb ahead of us. As we left the truck I mentioned I would prefer to kill the big black one, but if opportunity presented on the chocolate one I would take it. 50min into our hike we began to enter the openings on the mountain. I happened to look uphill in the scattered trees and saw a big brown noggin looking at us over the sagebrush at only 35yds. I slowly lowered the gun and shot off hand through its chest head-on. The bear dropped, made a few kicks and it was over. It happened so fast I was in a state of shock. The head looked much larger than i had originally guessed from 3 miles away in my spotting scope. He was a solid bear, beautifully colored. I was happy and my friend now really thinks this spring bear stuff is a cake walk
Maybe I should bring him elk hunting next time!
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