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2015 Spring Black Bears

Patience boys. I know a couple guys who have already seen multiple bears. The grass isn't even greening up yet in many places on the mountains. Its going to be a bit until you can pin point where they are feeding.
Saw one this morning, on my plate. Spicy bear sausage and butternut squash has with this mornings eggs from our girls.

A big chocolate bear walked out the other night. We got to 120 yards and he caught a big wiff of us and my buddy missed him. It was a quiet walk out that evening.
I have seen seven so far and helped my buddy get a medium sized chocolate bear last Thursday. Definitely not much green out there, but if you can find some...that is where the bears will be.
Glad to hear the green up hasn't exploded yet. It'll be a couple of weeks before I head that way. Looking forward to it.
I saw a very nice bear in the back of some guy's truck at the Avon Cafe yesterday.

The drive from Helena to Missoula was like a season changing over a 2 hour period.

Helena = April, Dry and Brown
Missoula = May, Flowers and beautiful people
Here's a pick-me-up for the ol' bear thread.

I knew I was borderline on timing for the spot I was interested in, but didn't have any time this week so I hit it Sunday evening. I saw this bear on the way in just before heading up a north facing slide to glass. I could tell the color was good but didn't have an angle to look at it properly and it was thick trees/brush. I found him again about an hour later from across the canyon. After watching for a bit to confirm species and good size I tossed everything in my pack and headed to the valley floor. I found him again at 580 yds and worked some openings to get to 545. I dialed for 525 due to the angle, hit him once in the lungs and again through the shoulder. 260ai/139 scenar/3-9 swfa ss.

While not always possible with my setup, I was able to spot both shots. Being able to do so is really valuable where the shooting window is tight and knowing exactly what happens following each shot is important. I'm a big believe in modest recoil and reasonable FOV optics.

Anyway, it was pretty dark by the time I got him wrestled out of the bushes but a few pictures turned out ok. He's conservatively a little over 6', I'm not going to put an internet guess number on the skull until I peel the hide off but it's pretty good. Sorta disproportionately long. The hide is furred up thick and about as nice as I've seen while hunting. Anyway, a great hunt and the benefit of shooting one early is a little time to check out some new spots on the wishlist. I'm thankful for the opportunity to hunt mountain bears and hope my body holds up for many more years of it. They are special animals to watch in their element.

I really enjoy hunting with friends and family, but the feeling of accomplishment on a solo hunt is always great too. Also, when you make friends post-hole a lot they might not want to be your friend anymore.





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Great looking bear Mr. Snowy and a helluva poke! Congrats! Interesting snow shoes in the photo, what brand are they? User friendly?
Nice bear! I miss hunting in Wyoming. Nice camo too, your gun doesn't match your tops and bottoms.

I'm jealous, been out a ton and haven't seen much at all.
That way the bears can't see the gun and think I'm a harmless snowshoer with a stainless trekking pole.
Bears of that color and quality hide best stay hibernated until season is over. Congrats.
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