
2015/2016 Trapping season


New member
Aug 14, 2015
Did any of you guys do much trapping this year? We had a pretty decent year, got a couple cats and a few coyotes. I've been messing around catching a couple beaver too... Post your catches here if you have any pics!

Twodot's cat....

Love to trap!!I've been to busy last couple years to get my canine line out.To much work backed up after my hunts out west to free enough time for the trapline.With the fur market this bad I guess its been good to let their numbers increase a little.I did get out for a weekend of beaver trapping 2 ponds and got 3.I miss the yote trapping though and hope to run my normal line again next year.I really enjoy mink trapping to but its almost a crime to only get $5-6 for one.I hope the market bounces back soon,but I'll still trap when I can find the time
Nice catch you made;beautiful yotes and cat
Those are some great pictures. The last one is really cool. Congrats!
those yotes will fetch a nice fur check. Coyotes are about the only thing still worth trapping if your in it to make money.
Very nice, I messed around by my house here in the fox belt and ended up with 5 red fox 7 muskrat a raccoon and beaver. Working swing shift 12hr shifts is hard to get a schedule to check traps.... they are some fine cats you got. How'd you do on your fur this year at the sale ?

I got a bunch of coon finished hanging in my shed that nobody wants to buy. Guess I'll throw them in the freezer and hope for better prices next year. Coyotes and junk beaver are about the only things that sold the last auction. I'll try not to trap this year but will probably end up doing some. Good time to burn some points out west and hunt instead of trapping.
I trap all winter. HEre is some pictures
3rd shipment

2nd shipment

1st shipment

5 coyotes off one bait in 1 check

Good day on beaver

Another pile of work

Good ol' 22-250 strikes again
A varied catch last year. This was my 2nd load for auction. 10683522_10204889529855722_4421419054171932675_o.jpg
Big old flattail. 10868138_10204592444948785_8787195642586808512_n.jpg
Believe it or not I had a request for 4 of these last year. I had a hard time convincing my wife they were worth it... 12189502_10206740599291301_3931887363714022673_o.jpg
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