2014 Montana permit apps.


Aug 28, 2012
Billings, MT
Looked at the MT. F and G website, and looks like the elk and deer app. packet is out and on there website. Just applied for WY. this morning now time to study MT.
Good Luck everyone..
I know it was early last year but was it as early this year as it was last? I happy to do so anyways.

Think last year was much later than this I can remember thinking darn are they gonna put up numbers before permits are due?
Been looking at them for two days now "Studying" I really think I should put my top 10 in a hat and pull one out and have a better chance. Says the guy with top points in my choice of units last year and still no luck. :W: LOL
Think last year was much later than this I can remember thinking darn are they gonna put up numbers before permits are due?
Been looking at them for two days now "Studying" I really think I should put my top 10 in a hat and pull one out and have a better chance. Says the guy with top points in my choice of units last year and still no luck. :W: LOL

HAHA, ya I forgot they put out these small pamphlets of the areas. Ill be checking them out tonight. I already have a good idea of what I want to do. Just dont know if I can hit it on my second choice 3 in a row and don't want to waste my points. I have only 2 years worth sooooo. Not sure. If you do not choose to take points for a year and draw your first choice, do you lose them? Or do you need to buy a point for the year for them to be usable? I got a heck of a bench mapped out when I jumped a bull last year. 20+ fresh rubs, 10+ beds on one contour line so its tempting to try it again. :hump:
HAHA, ya I forgot they put out these small pamphlets of the areas. Ill be checking them out tonight. I already have a good idea of what I want to do. Just dont know if I can hit it on my second choice 3 in a row and don't want to waste my points. I have only 2 years worth sooooo. Not sure. If you do not choose to take points for a year and draw your first choice, do you lose them? Or do you need to buy a point for the year for them to be usable? I got a heck of a bench mapped out when I jumped a bull last year. 20+ fresh rubs, 10+ beds on one contour line so its tempting to try it again. :hump:

You can skip bonus points for 2 years without losing them. Per MT Fwp regs:

An applicant may skip 2 consecutive years of participating without forfeiting accumulated points, but if an applicant misses the third year, all accumlated points for that species are lost.
Gotcha. Sometimes I do get a little confused with the wording. So that means I can skip a year and draw a first choice permit (Possibly) with no worry about using my points for drawing?
anybody with any hunting experience in the Missouri river breaks around the fort peck area looking for alittlehelp picking a unit?
You could apply for the 900-15 archery tag. That would give you access to a few different districts if I remember right.
You could apply for the 900-15 archery tag. That would give you access to a few different districts if I remember right.

I heard some of the areas might be separated or something but have not found out for sure. That and its not quite in the breaks area. I think 411 might be in it but can not remember. I assume they probably want 410 or the north side like 622 or that general area of the CMR?
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thanks starving outdoors man 410 is what I was thinking or north. have you ever hunted there. what is the terrain like elevation and such. im 57 but in pretty good shape for my age.any help would be welcomed!!!
I'm trying to decide if it's really worth applying for MT as a non-resident for deer and elk. Sheep is a no brainer IMO, but the odds suck for deer and elk and I've kind of made Montana my backup plan the last couple years if I don't draw a November hunt somewhere else. The combo tags don't sell out so I've been waiting til later in the year to decide lately. I think that if I do that again all lose the half dozen points I'm sitting on. Are my points worth anything?

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