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2014 Alaska Moose

After reading that all I can muster is 3 things - CONGRATS on what is an outstanding accomplishment, that guide/outfitter SUCKS, and well...that guide/outfitter SUCKS!

Heck of a story - sounded like a soap opera. We'll all be hoping the investigation turns up the real dirt in the story.
Great read and a great couple of moose for two hunters at the top of their game.
Good Karma, you got your moose, bad Karma, it's coming your way i expect Tom!
Congrats on making chicken salad out of chicken chit! You guys did great consideirng the situation. I can only imagine how mad I'd be in that situation. The anticpation, planning, time away, and money would have me all buy ready to blow. Those loss of at least 3 up to possibly 5 moose in a year is extremely disturbing.

Thanks for sharing the story, it was a very entertaining read.
Congrats on an awesome moose and a few great days with your friend Harold.

The rest is unbelievable. Makes me sick sitting here, thinking of all that meat going to waste.. can't even imagine the hunters' disappointment.

If that outfitter is able to keep up his "business," I wouldn't be surprised to hear about a "bear attack" or some other tragic "accident" coming his way..
Wow. Congratulations on the awesome bull. I bet sitting in camp for days away from your family and not hunting or having been done hunting was torture. Your moose meat going to waste due to the outfitter is criminal. Hopefully your antlers make it to you. Thanks for sharing.
Gellar, believe it or not, Tom actually never got Nyles moose out of the woods so Nyles moose also is a 100% loss. I'm not positive but I believe the Fish and Game also has his antlers as well.

The worst part for Nyle, is he paid for a guided hunt, never got a guide, shot his moose on his own, and now has nothing to show for it because the outfitter didn't even get a packer with a knife to it until it was rotten. I know somebody that flew over that moose 12 days after the kill and it was still there.........absolutely absurd. I have a feeling that there may have been some hope that a bear would get it but it never happened.

I am sorry to hear about this Gentleman's and your parties moose. They take wanton waste very seriously in Alaska and I am sure the troopers will handle accordingly, but that does not still give you your trophy or the hundreds of pounds of delicious moose meat.

My brother flies in Alaska and a few years ago he was at an airstrip. There was a party of hunters who had been camped at the strip with moose meat and very little gear. They had been at the airstrip trying to get a hold of their outfitter for several days and he was not showing up. My brother flew them out in his plane on an empty backhaul since he was already at the strip. There are a lot of less than ethical guides, but I cannot help but wonder if this isn't the same one!

Anyways, I enjoyed reading your story! I normally only look at the pictures, but I read the entire post! There is nothing like the thrill of calling a bull moose into close range, and this story gives me the urge (even more so, its always there) to chase a swamp donkey again!
What a waste, of everyone's time, money, and the animals. Hope this asshat gets what's coming to him.

Congrats on the moose though, seems like you guys were in a great area, all things considered.
Way to persevere through the b.s.and get a couple great moose. Would love to hear how the rest of this unfolds once you are able to talk more about it.
Wow . . . that would test anyone's "patience". Impressive how you (and Harold) conducted yourselves in those situations. I am surprised everyone in camp just didn't get a rope and string that guy up. God Grief . . . . what a Cluster F#&*. Sounds like that guy could screw up a wet-dream.

Congratulations on a moose hunt you definately made happen.

Thanks for sharing the story and pictures.
Wow. Great story and a great hunt. Two very incredible moose!
What an incredible hunt, both bad and good. I about cried after seeing that glorious moose backstrap, only to learn that jackwagon cost you all of the meat and capes. You guys went through enough that Harold's bull being 80 yards from the tent is more than deserved, karma in action. Congratulations on a lot, sorry about a lot and good luck with what's still going on!
Wow, sorry about the guide, but the two bulls you guys took hopefully fulfills your dreams.thanks for telling your story the "GOOD " and the "BAD"
Thanks for sharing all the ups and downs of your adventure. I still can't believe asshats like this one still have a business in remote Alaska, and can only hope that several of the hunters in camp make complaints to the Commercial Services Board and nail this nutjob to the wall. The troopers take wanton waste seriously, so I hope he gets what he deserves.

Kudos to you and your friend for making the best of an awful situation.
Sorry you had such a rollercoaster experience!!! Awesome animals and a great story!!! Congrats on a successful hunt despite all of the obstacles
Unbelievable! That`s all I can say about the outfitter.

I`m just glad you guys actually made it back safely after reading all that went wrong.

Beautiful moose by the way!
you guys are tremendous, hunters, survivilasts, part comedian,,,

my dream is to do an diy moose hunt as you guys have done,
i cant believe the size of that backstrap,,,

i imagine if a private citizen had lost those bulls they would never get out of debt and probably loose all their hunting possesions, the guide probably hadnt done this once,, probably many times and still in buisness,

unbeliveable,, but you guys sure turned a nightmare in to a lifetime of memories,,,

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