2014 Alaska Moose

Talk about a roller coaster adventure right there. Congrats to you and Harold on whacking a couple fine AK bulls. Absolute horsechit with the outfitter but hopefully justice will be served. Again, an amazing trip and guaranteed next time it'll go the way it's supposed to. Kudos to you guys for toughing through it and having an amazing hunt!
What a cluster of an adventure. From the highest high to the lowest lows.

Congrats on the bulls.

Shankster is scum and needs to be put out of business 5 years ago.
Oh, and when I go back, if you haven't figured it out, I will be using a different taxi service without a doubt:)

There, for you suckers that have been hounding me for the moose story, there it is....

And by the way, jeezuz, did every bowhunter that hunted kill an elk in Montana this year while I was gone???Cripes, looks like I missed an epic bowseason.
You hit it exactly right Bambi, hopefully this will be the year. Killed 14 sheep there this year in an area that can't go many years loosing 14 rams.....

What goes around comes around............hope the AK guide service commission pulls their head out....
Wow, thanks for the honest write up and kudos to sticking that out. Congratulations to the both of you!

That guys sounds like a grade A SHIT BAG! Hope he get's what he deserves.
This makes me ill. I saw the pictures on Facebook, but to learn that all the meat went to waste and jackwad potentially put you in danger just makes me sick. I hope your documentation nails that dirtbag, and despite the lows of the trip everything else looks awesome. Dropping a bull moose with traditional tackle is awesome.
I hope the Alaska Guide Commission pulls their head out at the very least! This isn't even a case of borderline negligence,it is downright criminal what he did to his clients. Huge kudos to you for making the best of it, and I hope you get some resolution on this dirtbag.
Glad to hear you guys were able to make the best of a bad situation and kill some nice bulls. I happen to know the son of the father-son group that you spoke of, and he reported similar circumstances.
Well on a high note you had quite an adventure and a great hunt with Harold once he got there, but the crap you and the other hunters had to go thru is a crime. I hope justice is served to them. Also a fair warning to other hunters that follow this forum to stay away from the scumbags. Thanks for the great pics!
Oak, I thought you might know them. Breck sure seems like a heck of a good guy. Sucks they are going to lose their cape too. Guy never got their cape out and salted so it is ruined as well.

Gellar, believe it or not, Tom actually never got Nyles moose out of the woods so Nyles moose also is a 100% loss. I'm not positive but I believe the Fish and Game also has his antlers as well.

The worst part for Nyle, is he paid for a guided hunt, never got a guide, shot his moose on his own, and now has nothing to show for it because the outfitter didn't even get a packer with a knife to it until it was rotten. I know somebody that flew over that moose 12 days after the kill and it was still there.........absolutely absurd. I have a feeling that there may have been some hope that a bear would get it but it never happened.

I met a lot of hunters there in camp and 100% of the hunters said it was the worst outfitted setup they had ever been on in their life. Even the ones who killed animals would never go back. One of the guys there was on a rehunt because his first hunt was so bad..........well, he couldn't imagine the second would be that bad........fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice........well you know how it goes.
Felt terrible for the guy, super super nice guy too. He got there on the 10th of September and he too sat in camp and was still sitting when Harold and I left on the14th. I know he ended up only getting a couple days in the field and again got no moose. He was dropped with a guide and a cheap ass Walmart tent that didn't even have a rain fly!!! IN ALASKA!!! ANd unfortunately for him, it rained every day! Everything the guy owned including the sleeping bag was soaked to the gills. Spent 3 days so miserable that all he wanted to do was get out and go home. Felt bad for him. Two trips to Shiesters camp and no moose to show for it.
Wow, just wow. That sounds like some of a hunters worst nightmares and best hunting dreams combined in one trip. Way to stick it out. I sure hope some of this publicity gets the powers that have jurisdiction over the outfitter into play so that justice can be served.
Holy hell! That is one heck of a crappy situation. Congrats on the 2 great moose. You turned a bad situation into something good. Soory it turned out the way it did.
Way to make the absolute best situation you could out of what you got. I can't imagine saving so much money for a once in a lifetime hunt like many of those guys certainly did, and ending up with a hunt like that. Hopefully they yankI his guide license.
Wow! You guys did really well under those circumstances, I'm not sure how that guy is still operating?!? Surely guys would do their research on him before paying full price for a fully guided hunt, guess it shows you have to be very careful who to book with.

On the bright side, it looks like all that thick timber and outfitter incompetence lets those moose get age, you really got amongst some awesome bulls.

Appreciate the hunt report, a dream animal/hunt for many of us.
Wow, that's just the craziest trip ever.Don't know if I'd want to piss out a camp fullof guys with guns.Any other taxi services into the Alaska Range where you went??Sounds like a place I need to go for moose,but def. not with that guy.
congrats on you pulling it out.That pic. of you spending the night alone in your hunt clothes says it all.You did get to see a lot of moose and some awesome country though.I would never put my survival in that guys hands though

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