2010 New Mexico Antelope

One more down. That just leaves me. They found this buck laying out by his self. He was able to sneak into range and when he stood up and began to feed quatering away he was able to make the shot. Buck ran about 80 yds. And tipped over.


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NICE!!!! However, you guys can be worse than a girl swinging around a pole with your teases... :D
Found a little buck that would hold still long enough last night. 64 yards double lung made for an easy tracking job, as we were able to watch him go down. Need to remember knee pads and some type of gloves for all the crawling on the stalks. After 4 days my hands and knees are way sore. I'll get more pics posted when I get to a computer.


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Well the great feeling of going 3 for 3 on spot and stalk archery antelope didn't make it home with us. We left roswell at 8 am. We should have made it home by 9 pm.

Around 1130 the patched tire from opening day blew about 20 miles before albuquerque. Lots of phone calls later, I finally find a big o that carries the size of tire I need. Apparently 285 x 70 x 17 tires aren't plentiful. On the way to big o, we run across a little mom and pop tire store. We hurry and run in and our luck seems to be changing. The have a set that will fit at a lot better price than big o. We finally get out of albuquerque at around 230.

Were on the road again, a little later than we had hoped for, but what do you do. About 900 we hit moab and are now in the home stretch, or so we think. 15 miles out I don't see a rock soon enough and pray that it makes it under the truck, nope! It misses the tranny, but bye bye transfer case and everything else close, were screwed. Time to call in some favors. By the time our help gets to us with a trailer, we get it loaded on and pulled home, we roll in at 630 am. 22.5 hours after we left, and to top it off I lock me keys in the truck before we get hardly anything out. At this point we just drive the 20 minutes home from the auto shop to get some sleep. At around 200 pm. We went and got our stuff out of the truck.

I hope this is the end of the bad luck for this year of hunting. The little buck is only going to end up costing me around $100/lb and oddly enough I still wouldn't trade my first archery antelope.
Damn, I must have missed this thread while I was out on the road. Congrats to you guys. Looks like you are going to skew the success rates for the unit you were hunting. Great bucks.