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2007 WY elk

Congrats on a fine looking animal Buzz!! Sounds like you guys had a great time! Nothing beats hearing those big beast bugling!!

Throw a tape on that bad boy and post some measurements....he has a GREAT backend on him.....
awsome dude! You said it wasnt the best shot, what was the problem? Liver? how far did it go? Was he by himself?

Great job. Glad family could be there to share what must have been one hell of a hunting memory.

That's no downstream critter.


The bull only went about 100 yards...hit the back of the on side lung and liver.

I put a tape on the bull...came up with 381 4/8 gross and should net around 366.
Congrats on the bull! With your dad and brother there makes it bittersweet.

Are you going to to mount that monster yourself?