2005 archery buck pics.....

Everybody could post a picture of a great buck every year if they went out during the rut and shot it with a gun during the bow hunt. I wouldn't want the picture of a NON bow shot deer hanging in my gas station.
1 pointer I think your talking about Jacks Texaco. I did give him mine in 02. He has that one. Havent done any jobs that way or in buhl for awhile. Brother might have given him one of last years now that you brought it up.
Sider, I was in there in Oct and noticed one of your pics and thought I'd jab you a bit. Congrats on some nice bucks!

unless you have proof you have nothing other than your personal opinion,
its not wise to be calling people poachers Again uinless you have proof.

Remember I know who you are ;)

I think its sad he can't confront this situation without hiding behind a BS<--- user name.... You should post his IP/real Login name for all to see.
I echo what del and BT have mentioned. If you have the balls to call someone a poacher, at least have the balls to come out of the closet to do it. Put up or shut up.
Sider, great buck! That thing is a monster!!

How long has it been since they thawed you out of that block of ice?

No offense, but for your daugther's sake I hope someone hit you with a bar of soap and a razor before the wedding. I heard that Great Clips is having a sale on haircuts too.

Anyway, nice buck, you seem to get a great buck every year.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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