2 Fox


New member
Jan 2, 2004
Lakecity Minnesota

Went out driving around to see what I could call in and hunt. I spotted to Red Broom Tails, and well when I seen them they see me, and were hailing butt across a corn field. So I drove around the section and waited for about 10 mines till they came into view. They kind of forgot all about me, and started mousing around, that was pretty fun watching them play. I was very cold this day and the sky was clear with the sun out. They decided to lie down out in the middle of the field and take a nap, HMMMMMMMMM wrong choice to make. I got dressed in the snow camo, and loaded up ready for the 1 mile hike. As I walk I had the wind in my face so the smell and sound staid away. As I crested the hill I spotted them lying together but looking in my direction, I thought I was spotted, but I was not. I figured this was as close as I was going to get. So I sat down and got into position, as I looked through the scope, I placed the cross hairs on the head of the female and squeezed. She never moved, the male got up and started to run for his life, he ran about 75 yards from her and stopped and looked back, he noticed that she was not following so he came back to her and sat down about 5 yards from her, giving me a start on chest view. Well with my help he laid down with her, for a permanent nap. The winchester model 70 coyote lite did a great job, at 175 yards, rite along with the 50 Grain Winchester Supreme Ballistic Silvertip

The Male is the left fox and female in front


Your mean.
They kind of forgot all about me, and started mousing around, that was pretty fun watching them play.

She never moved, the male got up and started to run for his life, he ran about 75 yards from her and stopped and looked back, he noticed that she was not following so he came back to her and sat down about 5 yards from her, giving me a start on chest view.

I could've done without this love story on Valentines day.

I like Foxes, they do kill game birds but I like watching them.

A farmer down the road killed a whole family last spring, dug up the pups and killed them with a shovel, shot the bitch when she came by looking a barking for the pups, and shot the dog when he came to the distress sounds made from the bitch.

He bragged to me about his escapade, and I asked why the @#$*k did he feel the need to do this. He said " Them damn things kill lots of Pheasants". I looked around his property, not one hedge row was left standing, not one acre in CRP. No habitate for birds at all. I said good Job, drove away shaking my head.

Nice Fox though, what ya going to do with them?
Your mean.
Far from it. I hunt

I could've done without this love story
Well if it is a Love storie, then what is a better way to go, then with the one you Love.

I like Foxes, they do kill game birds but I like watching them
Yes they kill in this area as well, and I like watching them aswell.

As for your farmer friend down the road, he has his own problems, and I do not agree with the way he handeled it.
As for me, I hunt, and love it, and will continue until the day I can't. My hunting is all fair chase, and if I can outwit the animals I am hunting, then I am happy. If they outwit me then I am happy aswell, cause they teach me something new that I am doing wrong.
The fox are getting tanned.

Nice foxes!! I smoked one a couple of weeks ago on the call. I used that 220 swift I purchased a few months ago. That gun has been very good for me. It has also been the critters worse nightmare.
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