Caribou Gear Tarp

2 - $50 PRIZE's !!

I don't think the BIGGEST dee/elk get s the prize.. Just need a hat/shirt to enter...

I'm guessing Greeny will have a hat, WILL make him wear one when I get there... Even if we don't score.. I'm guseeing that You'l see a picture of us in out hats
HAHA !!!
Maybe we should send in money to make more categories. Like Greenhorn sends a $100 for the best looking hunter in underwear. I'll contribute to that one if some females say they'll enter also. Maybe we could just have a best female, best male category if we put in more money. Or maybe we should have #1, #2, and the worst. Moosie is the only one to put up money so far. I'll put in some for more categories if people like the idea or think we should do it. There might be a lot of entries for the worst category, eh, you know?
Good idea Tom....I think we should have a "best looking coonass to kill a dall sheep" category! :D DS

I'll buy a hat but I gotta tell ya.... A pic with me, in my underwear,wearing a Huntalk hat, next to the new world record goat I'm going to shoot this year, is worth more than $50.

How much if i show my weiner????
Hey Tom.. I never said anything about best looking dude in undies... I figured if you had to be in your undies that would limit the competition and I'd have a better chance of winning. It would likely be a rather disturbing competition. Funny though.

Mule I'll pay you to not show your weiner. Why do you call yourself MULE? I'm thinking maybe I should call myself GNAT. :D
OK..... Separate Catagory..... ANYONE that poses in there undies with a critter and a hat (Or a creative way in the hat but no critter) WILL get thier money BACK for the hat first off....... PLUSS gets put in a seperate catagory for a seperate pot of $50 ...... Plus gets to enter the regular contest with the others..... It doesn't matter if you're 100 lbs or 450 lbs, This will be a cool catagory. I think I will keep all the entrys secret untill an official date then release the website location. HAHA !!

SO, there is 2- $50 prizes for DEER, 2- $50 for ELK and a seperate $50 prize of anyone in a HAT and there undies....

I'll except up to 2 entries for each person if it's 2 different pair of Undies. I'll build a seperate webpage posting ALL the pics for the 3 catagories that I've put up...........

NOW, I got lots of hats, lots of shirts, AND lots of $50 bills that I want to send out. SO, Order your hat or other stuff and let the games begin !!!! :D

HEres the link...... BTW, I don't have a pic of the shirts yet, DANG, I knew I forgot something today :(
OK, here it is. I will take a picture with one hat on me, one on my elk, my Tshirt and jacket, in my undies and the elk in a Del_Mart shirt. What is that worth?

Hey ya big dummy! Go check your hunt and lodge stuff. Tryin' to buy a hat so I win this thing.

$500 bucks and a ride in the Huntalk Learjet yes??????
When I said Manjanna.. You must have thought Marijuanna... THATS the only way You're getting high.... ;)

WEll.. I'll take that back.. I'll give you a ride ... HAHA !!
OScar you know us AZ guys'and one utah guy are going to win.. we will all have deer and all be wearing your underwear :D :D D:D

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