PEAX Equipment

175 ELD-X or 175 Nosler ABLR

Why shoot 160gr bullets in a chamber that was specifically designed for 175-180 gr bullets??? If your going to shoot 160s get a 7mm mag or other traditional chambered .284 rifle. The 7prc was designed to shoot the long high BC bullets
...and just dont shoot an elk in the shoulder on purpose. 30yrs and Ive never deliberately shoulder shot an elk.
Exactly what I was thinking on the bullet weight. Thanks
Why shoot 160gr bullets in a chamber that was specifically designed for 175-180 gr bullets??? If your going to shoot 160s get a 7mm mag or other traditional chambered .284 rifle. The 7prc was designed to shoot the long high BC bullets
...and just dont shoot an elk in the shoulder on purpose. 30yrs and Ive never deliberately shoulder shot an elk.

Just because a rifle is twisted and throated to handle 175-190s doesn't mean it wont work with 160s, especially ones with a long bearing surface like the accubond 160s.
In my experience the regular accubonds (160 gr) are explosive, I shot a ram and did not even get an exit hole. Same size animal as a whitetail in a bullet advertised to be comparable to a swift scrirroco or partition? I quit shooting them as i could get much higher BCs with at least similar (actually better) terminal performance from hornadys eldx. I could only imagine how bad the ablr are.

I shoot 162gr eldx put of my 7mm rem mag around 3150 and would not flinch at shooting a whitetail at point blank range. They perform just like a Remington corelok but high bc and more accurate. Honestly that level of energy is ridiculous anyhow. Every deer I've hump shot (high shoulder) with that gun is dead before their bodies have fell over and hit the ground no steps taken or tracking to do. I usually do get exits though.

Plus i trust hornadys B.C. numbers verified by doppler radar far more than the advertised numbers from nosler. No indication they are incorrect, I just don't trust them as much. Now if they sent all their bullets to hornady to be doppler verified....
I've shot multiple animals with 210 ABLR's from 75-475 yards. All animals dead within 30 yards or less. Always have a quarter size exit hole. They shoot ¾" all day in my factory xbolt.
Just because a rifle is twisted and throated to handle 175-190s doesn't mean it wont work with 160s, especially ones with a long bearing surface like the accubond 160s.
I agree you can do it. My point was why shoot them. There's no advantage to shooting the 160s over the 175-180s out of a 7prc. Why specifically buy a 7prc if you're not going to take advantage of the design specs of it.
I agree you can do it. My point was why shoot them. There's no advantage to shooting the 160s over the 175-180s out of a 7prc. Why specifically buy a 7prc if you're not going to take advantage of the design specs of it.
Cause the 160 Accubond is a fantastic bullet. mtmuley