17 HMR for prarriedogs


New member
Feb 18, 2014
My wife used a marlin 17 HMR last summer and did good on prarriedogs,this year I am going to buy my own and include it in the arsenal.That 17 is amazing for a rimfire. Prarriedogs at 200 plus yards,once you figure the hold over.And is not as loud as my 22-250 and don't scare the dogs as fast.

lots of fun !
I like that there is no recoil and you can see where you hit if you miss. And then there is that all too cool red mist
I agree. I use a 17hmr for most of my dog shooting, push it a bit over 300yrds on a good day. Cheap, no recoil, quit, all make for a great time. I do bring a 223 or 22-250 out to push my ranges.

Anybody play with the new 17 win super mag. Supposedly way better then the hmr, based off a .27 nail gun cartridge. Came out on the savage platform, their b mag. I've heard it will go over 400 yrds accurately.
I really enjoy shooting my HMR and would love to see it in a super mag. I would imagine the recoil would be much worse on a super mag…….maybe up to a .223 kick. Wouldn't that be tough? :roll eyes:
I have not been that impressed with my 17, in regards to "red mist" factor. 22wmr makes a way better mess of things...
17 is good on dogs,. Impressed that you guys shoot over 200 and even 300.

Another fun round for dogs is 204 ruger. That is an amazing little round.
I looked at the 17WSM this year before I bought my 17HMR. Didn't care for the feel and fit/finish of the rifle. I did buy the 17 in the Savage 93 and it is a hoot to shoot :) Can't wait to hit somthing fury with it :)
Volqurtsen is making a line of 17 wsm rifles now. Everything they make is top notch.Only problem is ammo, like 22lr, its being snatched up by scalpers and sold at a premium.
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