Caribou Gear

165Gr. Nosler Partition/.300 Weatherby Load


New member
Dec 10, 2000
Indianapolis, IN, United States
Anyone have a pet load for this combination? I'm looking to work up a good load for this elk season.

I know lots of you will recommend the 180gr. Partition, so just humor me, please...;)

Indy- Hey I was wondering where near Indy that you plan on trying out that load?? I have yet to locate a rifle range. I hear there is one at Atterbury, but haven't checked it out yet.
OK Indy, here you go. 86.5 grains of IMR 7828, FED 215 Primer and Norma Brass. The brass was sized and the primer pockets all uniformed with the interior burrs removed. The rifle was a MK V Weatherby Weathermark. The barrel was pressure pointed. Avg. Group size was about .400, velocity avg. for four, five shot groups was 3187 fps. If you decide to try it, drop about 4 grains and work up in 1/2 grain increments. Do not exceed 87 grains. It shoots equally well with partitions or B tips. The partitions shoot about 3 inches left and a little lower than the B tips. Let me know how it shoots if you decide to try it. :cool:
Thanks Dan... my step-father and I are going to do some loading tonight and tomorrow. I'll keep you posted.

1-Pointer... theres a place called the Fall Creek Valley Conservation Club and it's got a Markleville or Emporia address. Anyway, it's east of Pendleton and south of Anderson. I'll look it up and post the telephone number. They have a 100yrd. rifle range there..
Yep - what Dan said, although I use Remington brass and 84.5 gr of IMR-7828. Remington brass seems to be thicker than Weatherby/Norma brass, so I have to use a little less powder but get 3214 FPS avg.
Hey Dan, did you ever think about publishing your "RED BOOK"? I think it would be a darn good seller!! I would be the first one on the list.....
Hmm. If I ever published that book I wouldn't have any need to hang around places like this. I could just go off somewhere and take up knitting or needle point or something.
Besides, as long as I have it, I have bargaining power. I will leave it to you in my will though, if you want it. :D:D:D :cool:
You guys are talking about my favorite cartridge. Personally I prefer either 84 grains of H4831 or 85 grains of RL22 with the 165 grain bullets. Velocity should be higher than with IMR 7828. These are my max loads, so approach them with caution. I should also mention that I use these with Norma brass and Fed 215 primers. Good day, gentlemen.
I'm going to try a different load: 76.5 gr of IMR 4350 in Remington cases, CCI mag primers. It might be a little faster in my 24-inch barrel than the IMR 7828 load. We'll see.
You may get a few extra FPS velocity using a faster powder in a short barrel. This load was the best compromise we could come up with for velocity and accuracy. Let us know how the 4350 load does. :cool:
The 165 nosler is what I have always used in my 300 wby.

I use 85.0 grains of IMR4831, 215 primers.

This load in my rifle chronys 3462 for three shots.


Don't try this at home

For this load I use new brass and throw it away after one loading, even if it looks good!!

This load used in a Remington 700 gave some extraction problems.

It is a borderline load for my model 70.

I like living on the edge I guess.

My model 70 printed 4-1/2 inch groups at 550 yards with this load.

The remington 700 was 5-1/2 inches at the same distance.

We ended up dropping to 83.5 grains for the Remington, for functionability reasons.

This load is for my gun only and I really couldn't or wouldn't recommend it for use in another rifle, without the proper load work up.

We are talking flattened primers and cratering around the firing pin, and mill marks from the bolt on them as well!!!!!!!

This load is dangerous and I love it.

Mom always told me I didn't have a lick of sense.
Chambo - with all due are NUTS! I stopped using a load with IMR-7828 that was leaving a perfect circle matching the ejector on my Remington 700.
By the way, the IMR-7828 that I do use still gave the best velocity in my 24-inch barreled .300 Weatherby, beating the IMR-4350.

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