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12 states join Utah

I'm impressed BHA shares 95% of your values and yet you don't support them anymore. Most nonprofits I give to share about 80% of my values. Groups that share 100% of each others values are called cults.

Also interesting that the groups you mention you support instead owe very little to their grassroots and tend to go with the will of either their big donors or just what their boards decide they think is best. BHA's state chapters have to answer to their grassroots membership, which means if membership can't come together, BHA will usually stay out. I support some of those groups as well, but it is worth acknowledging that they function under different models.
I often support BHA, I'm just no longer a member. I'm always a grass root advocate.
I’d say Wyoming should take that money they just pulled from school funding and get lawyered up. I’m sure the law firm that’s been getting their asses kicked while representing Utah would be glad to take that Wyoming money and deliver the same results.
I'm impressed BHA shares 95% of your values and yet you don't support them anymore. Most nonprofits I give to share about 80% of my values. Groups that share 100% of each others values are called cults.

Also interesting that the groups you mention you support instead owe very little to their grassroots and tend to go with the will of either their big donors or just what their boards decide they think is best. BHA's state chapters have to answer to their grassroots membership, which means if membership can't come together, BHA will usually stay out. I support some of those groups as well, but it is worth acknowledging that they function under different models.
Totally agree with you. I am a member of BHA and do not agree with everything but do agree for the greater good of keeping lands public for all people.

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