12 states join Utah

Virtue Signaling.
Yeah we have that idiot here that wanted to restructure Pittman/Robertson because he was such a 2A supporter a couple years ago..All red is not always good..we have these idiots on one side of the state and ole' sweet Lindsey on the other wanting to get us deeper into the Ukraine mess....
Virtue Signaling.

Probably part of it, but SC residents are still paying to support all federal land just like everyone else (much of which happens to be quite a long drive from the east coast). They have skin in the game.

Managing Federal land, as well as hypothetically divesting/selling it off, impacts all US citizens from a financial perspective.
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Managing Federal land, as well as hypothetically divesting/selling it off, impacts all US citizens from a financial perspective.
Give me a % of US citizens that you think understand the true financial perspective. Hell, just give a guess at the percentage of Americans that know what BLM stand for regarding federal lands.
Give me a % of US citizens that you think understand the true financial perspective. Hell, just give a guess at the percentage of Americans that know what BLM stand for regarding federal lands.

Less than 1%. The Doge Bros will “educate” them though, which is why I am concerned.
Probably part of it, but SC residents are still paying to support all federal land just like everyone else (much of which happens to be quite a long drive from the east coast). They have skin in the game.

Managing Federal land, as well as hypothetically divesting/selling it off, impacts all US citizens from a financial perspective.
Paying to support it?

Are you bad at math?
I am always happy to learn more- in what way was my post wrong?
Every american consumer is benefitted by the low prices of commercial leasing/activity on public land. It seems pretty clear the economic benefit of the low federal rates exceeds what the typical person pays in taxes.
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Could be. I would disagree that what you said is clear and obvious to most people, or even necessarily true.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It might all amount to nothing or something totally unexpected. I am still curious to see what the mechanism for divestiture would be of this goes that direction.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It might all amount to nothing or something totally unexpected. I am still curious to see what the mechanism for divestiture would be of this goes that direction.

The mechanisms are on the books already, but may depend somewhat on what legislative authority was used to acquire it in many cases. Would need to be approved by Congress in some cases.
That is helpful info, thanks @Hunting Wife.

I think the hard thing to wrap my mind around is just the sheer magnitude, like how would that not become an unruly cluster$&@!? (Gov involved, so it almost certainly would).
That is helpful info, thanks @Hunting Wife.

I think the hard thing to wrap my mind around is just the sheer magnitude, like how would that not become an unruly cluster$&@!? (Gov involved, so it almost certainly would).
The government can sell something through an orderly auction like any other private individual or group can. The belief that it will be an "unruly" process adds to the distrust of "the government". When stuff doesn't turn out like the majority expects, the government will be blamed.
It is in the script.
Could be. I would disagree that what you said is clear and obvious to most people, or even necessarily true.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It might all amount to nothing or something totally unexpected. I am still curious to see what the mechanism for divestiture would be of this goes that direction.
Interesting. Id love to hear where it isnt true.

Want an easy to understand example? Gillette Wy mines supply about 40% of the nations coal - around 8-20% of the countries power depending on the year we are talking about. A lot, likely majority, of that coal comes from federal owned lands.

The average americans power bill would go up after WY started charging what they thought was fair for leasing - a lot more than the 15 cents they pay to own federal land.
The average americans power bill would go up after WY started charging what they thought was fair for leasing

Do you think this may possibly cause more Campbell county coal companies to shut down at a rate even greater than they already have been the past several years?

Also, might the increase in coal cost compel electricity providers to switch to gas (or other sources) at a rate even faster than they already have been the past several years?

Finally- the “threat” of reduced coal extraction (burning) might appeal to a lot of people on the left of the aisle. This would be a perfect talking point to appeal to the green-minded folks.
Interesting. Id love to hear where it isnt true.

Want an easy to understand example? Gillette Wy mines supply about 40% of the nations coal - around 8-20% of the countries power depending on the year we are talking about. A lot, likely majority, of that coal comes from federal owned lands.

The average americans power bill would go up after WY started charging what they thought was fair for leasing - a lot more than the 15 cents they pay to own federal land.
It isn't just coal or the state that supplies it. Every citizen is underpaying for power when you include replacement cost. Hence huge solar fields and offshore wind and coal companies begging for "regulatory" relief. Change is hard and no cost/benefit is perfectly clean.
Virtue Signaling.
Yep. He is applying for his next job.

This is hard to say, but 2025 looks like the end-date for BLM’s tombstone. You have a cert case to the SCOTUS asking for that land and DOGE looking for unjustifiable (to the average American) expenses to cut. My question is who’s going to defend its existence under this administration? The answer is obvious. No one.

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