Kenetrek Boots

1 horn sheep?

I guess i dont understand why its seperate draw. I bet if nv offer this as a seperate hunt code (broken as harvest stipulation) that burns your points and everthing it would still have significant demand. This would also atleast use these few tags to help clear some residents out of pool. Still a sheep hunt!
With all these threads about the near impossibility of drawing a sheep tag I'm wondering how many of you guys would hunt for a broken horn ram?
When going through the NV hunts for this year I saw there is a new resident only hunt for rams where one horn must be less than half the length of the longest horn.
It's in 19 hunt units but the quota is unknown at this time.
It's a once in a lifetime hunt, has no bonus points awarded if unsuccessful and has no waiting period if drawn. It has no impact on any other sheep tag you may have points for.
Personally it doesn't interest me just like the ewe hunt.
What are your thoughts?
We do not have Big Horn Sheep, only Dall and Stone. First Nation people have no problem harvesting one with a broken horn, as we use the hide and meat, not the horns. However I can not imagine this being true for someone who paid full price to hunt them, but, these are tough hunts in beautiful country, so I am sure many would hunt them, if for no other reason than to hunt the area in which they reside and the opportunity to hunt a Bighorn Sheep. I would if I was a Res. of NV
there is nothing wrong with animals dying of old age. Granted those broken horn rams probably won't be shot by a hunter given the opportunity, but them being killed by a hunter is not the be-all end-all of a sheep's life. They still breed, they are still statistics in predator's kills, they are just as useful as a "trophy" ram.
These are my thoughts as well
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With all these threads about the near impossibility of drawing a sheep tag I'm wondering how many of you guys would hunt for a broken horn ram?
When going through the NV hunts for this year I saw there is a new resident only hunt for rams where one horn must be less than half the length of the longest horn.
It's in 19 hunt units but the quota is unknown at this time.
It's a once in a lifetime hunt, has no bonus points awarded if unsuccessful and has no waiting period if drawn. It has no impact on any other sheep tag you may have points for.
Personally it doesn't interest me just like the ewe hunt.
What are your thoughts?
It still should be a hard hunt and I've heard the meat is fabulous eating. Sounds rewarding from every aspect but filling the wall. I'd do it.

In Africa the landowners generally want every one-horned antelope culled on the spot and no trophy fee. Those animals will continue to fight for breeding but their one horn becomes a deadly spear. A genetically weak horned ram/bull is not the animal they want on top of the breeding pool. And they don't want a lot of injured animals dying either. And finally, one-horned antelope is wasting range. No longer any potential for trophy so good for nothing but meat for the market. Just as well take it out.

While I don't think a one-horned or short-horned bighorn ram is necessarily more dangerous to other rams, it is possible he has defective genes, possibly from inbreeding. Get rid of him for that reason. Also, given the nature of breeding domination (i.e. head butting), it's likely a short or missing horn will put a bighorn ram out of competition for ewes. He can't breed or carry lambs so useless for herd management. He's wasting range resources that can be better used by other reproductive animals. Shoot him and feel good about helping manage the resource. Yes, I would jump at the chance to shoot one.
I can see everyone's points on this discussion. It may actually be a more difficult hunt. You are looking for a small number of rams and need to make sure they fit the regulation of the broken horn must be shorter than the good side. They aren't growing on trees. (sound familiar?) Other than in one specific area, I have seen an average of less than one ram that fits this regulation in most of the areas I've spent time in.

The hunt is indeed an opportunity hunt. But then really, they all are. If we are OK with rams dying of old age without being taken by hunters, we don't need any ram hunts in any areas. Let 'em all die. That's a dangerous slope.

I'm not really defending the hunt. It's not my job to do that. But I will be applying
View attachment 216436What about this guy? How many people would put their tag on him?

I'd shoot him, would be easier to sneak up from his right side and put an arrow through him too! Sheep hunting is lots of fun, I've been fortunate to help out on two hunts for friends, and sheep meat is good eating, I'd have absolutely no qualms about shooting a one-horned ram if it meant I got to go sheep hunting again.
I would absolutely hunt on a tag like that. I saw that in the NV regs and if it was a NR opportunity I'd put it as one of my choices knowing it would help odds.

Outfitters who spend alot of time in desert sheep units in NV, UT, and AZ have been calling for this for years. They watch one-horned rams grow old and die of old age. This is a better option.
Id do it in a heart beat being a Pa guy and trying for a sheep tag for 20 plus yrs I would go for any chance at a ram
Caught a great white marlin out of OC a few yrs ago didnt want to kill it due to being such a great fish left it go and got a replica mount but its only 1 sided the side to wall is kinda flat who cares
On my first Stone sheep hunt I encountered a ram with only one horn. He was a beautiful dark Stone but we could only get 7 age rings on his good side. If he would have been legal I would have shot him and been very happy. As it was, I came home empty handed, having hunted 14 hard days without seeing a legal ram.
I think big old one horns are dang interesting. I wouldn't necessarily chose to shoot one, but in the right circumstances I think they could be a fine trophy.
People shoot one antlered deer and elk all the time. I’d do it, and invent a new taxidermy style at the same time… call it the cranial 1/2 bookend. Great for those man-caves that are short on space. LOL. Seriously, a 1/2 sheep would make a great euro. And surely there would be a taxi who needs a replacement cape for someone else, if it’s legal to sell, trade or give away.
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