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Sheep burger- suet or other binder?


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2019
Central Highlands of Wyoming
I finally bought a new grinder this fall. My son has been on a tear processing the two cow elk we killed a few weeks ago. He’s been making sausage and brats and burger. Found some mule deer that he’s ground up for the same. Now he’s moved onto some bags of big horn sheep grind. Which is reason for my question what has everyone used that has been blessed with a sheep. Beef suet, bacon, other binders? I’d love to hear your recipe.


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I finally bought a new grinder this fall. My son has been on a tear processing the two cow elk we killed a few weeks ago. He’s been making sausage and brats and burger. Found some mule deer that he’s ground up for the same. Now he’s moved onto some bags of big sheep grind. Which is reason for my question what has everyone used that has been blessed with a sheep. Beef suet, bacon, other binders? I’d love to hear your recipe.


If you're making burger I like 20% beef suet to 80% game meat. For breakfast sausage and any other stuff I like 30% pork fat to 70% game. I've only used bacon in roasts to add more fat and flavor.
I usually do 10% beef suet, nothing, or fatty lamb burger. Binders for hamburger are not needed, and fat doesn't make it stick together.
Wild sheep is also my favorite meat, but unfortunately it's not as easy to get as deer or elk,so it's been many years since I have eaten any.

I didn't bring any of my Dall sheep meat home with me, the Outfitter kept it all for camp meat, which was delicious!

Being lucky enough to have killed 3 Montana Bighorn rams in the '80s, I brought every bit of their meat home, and as I do all of my own processing, just like my deer, elk, and moose burger, I add 10% beef fat to it.
I would recommend beef fat at 10 to20 percent based on how you cook it. I normally do 10-15 percent. You can also use pork fat if you like. Pork fat would have a milder flavor and lower melting rendering point.

Personally I do beef fat for burger and pork fat for sausage. I don’t like using bacon ends unless I am specifically making some for bacon burgers. I like bacon but don’t need to taste it in everything I cook.
Had sheep burgers last night, was good. My I took the front shoulders and scraps to the shop down the street.
They added 10% beef fat. I think a little more would be better. Pork fat would be interesting.
If I add anything, I go with beef suet into burger. We killed a steer last year and kept all of the suet. Usually 10-15%. But, I've never had a bad experience with just straight wild game burger and not fat added, either.

If you're making sausage (Brats, Summer Sausage, etc.) most recipes call for more fat than a normal burger. I usually add 20% for summer sausage. I use beef, but Pork works great.

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