Kenetrek Boots

1 day to go


New member
Dec 16, 2000
Hollister, California, USA
4 days to go. Are you all ready? I emailed out directions to everyone today. If you didn't get them let me know.

Chopper :cool:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-06-2002 08:15: Message edited by: bigtusker ]</font>
The email Big Tusker sent out has his cel phone and pager numbers, so if someone is running late, they can call. I think if anyone's gonna be late, it will probably be me! I have to leave pretty darn early to get to Hollister by 11 AM!!!
I'm ready. I picked up my license and tag yesterday here in Reno. The guy behind the gun counter thought I was a fool to hunt them with anything less than a .338 Win....Gees, man its not like we're hunting Cape Buf or Grizzlies...I wonder what that guy uses for elk?

Anyway, I'm ready to hunt hard, have fun,and hopefully stick a pig.

I'll be leaving Reno about 400, pick up Tim around Sacramento and arrive in Hollister by 1100.

I almost got to sneak out. BUt next weekend we're watching my sisters kids.... I just couldn't pulll it off.. I guess I'm not Hudini after all
GOOD luck fellas !!!!
I loaded up some ammo for both the .300 and the .223 - although I don't know why I needed to load any .300's ---- after all, I had three rounds left! ;) I got the knives, saw, clothes, etc. all pretty much packed up. Will have to make a food run later in the week to get the stuff to go with the elk burgers. The freezer is still full of elk and hog so I will have to pick up ice along the way somewhere.
I'm getting antsy...
I'll call you tonight, Chopper. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting ready for some fresh wild pork! I posted a recipe for you in the recipe section...

:D :D :D
hey guys, sounds like a whole bunch of fun for sure, good luck and have a safe hunt!:D keep us posted on the details! someone should post a confirmed who all is going and what there shootin!!! list. May all your sights be full of pork! :D GOOD LUCK GUYS!
I pretty much have everything packed, just afew last items to stow. Man am I ready for this. My mouth is watering thinking of the bbq pork dinners to come!!!!! See ya there. Hey Rick, are coming up the 101 or staying on the 5?
I'm going to cross over from 5 on 46 through Paso, then up the 101. I think that will be fastest, Keith. I'm going to try to get out of here before 4 AM Friday morning. The elk is pretty well frozen, so if if I put it in the cooler with the rest of the food Thursday night, it should be fine. I'm bringing my big 150 quart cooler for the pork I'm bringing home. :rolleyes: I plan to bone it out there, I hope. :D

I will put the frozen elk in a cooler with the produce and fixings, and drinks in a separate cooler on ice. I guess some potato salad and roasted corn on the cob with elk burgers will work out fine. I'll pick up some beans and cole slaw or something to go with Keith's tri-tip. For breakfast, just a roll or bagel with cream cheese is fine and a roll with lunch meat and cheese is cool for lunch. Cheese Nips to snack on, and I'm good. I just need to make one quick trip to the store, and I'm ready! I'll get ice when I fill up in Lost Hills - gas was cheap there last weekend. ($1.49/gal).

I'll plan on using one of the outside bunks - it will be warm and I SNORE, so that way I won't keep anyone awake inside the cabin. You can ask Oscar and Tom about the level of noise I generate! :eek:

:D I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.... :D
Yeah I have to make a grocery store run also. I got the meat yesterday, onsale woohoo. I agree on light breakfasts bagels are good for that. I was thinking of leaving my house around 7am that would put me in Paso around 8am and in Hollister around 10am( I think). Maybe we could hook up in Paso, Rick if thats not too early?
You might be a little ahead of me, Keith. It takes me about 3 hours to get to the 41/46 junction there at Cholame. I figure that will put me in Paso at about 7:30 (?) I turn just before Cholame to go to Parkfield, where I usually hunt, so I know that schedule pretty well. I'll have my cel phone with me and I'll email you that number or you can email me yours. Maybe leaving that early, I'll be able to pick up some time, though.
I'll e-mail you. I can hold up a little anyway. I was just allowing some extra time in case I wanted to stop and eat.
I would figure on 2 1/2 hours from paso to hollister, just to be safe. Also, Tim won't be joining us, his route got all bungled up and he's gonna end up in Washington instead of California. There's a slim chance that he might get here by Saturday evening but not much.
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