PEAX Equipment

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    Nevada area 221-223 bull elk hunt advice

    Hello all, I have another bull elk hunt for late rifle in Nevada area 221-223 for my little brother and we are not having any luck with seeing bulls up in this area. We went scouting a weekend before the hunt started and a couple days before the hunt opened and we aren’t seeing anything...
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    I would appreciate that, thank you
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    I have not done that. To be honest I’m not to sure how I would go about getting ahold of one. Is it thru the fish and game office?
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    You think Cleve creek would be a good spot to hold up in before light?
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    Yes sorry I fixed the post, it is in Nevada. I appreciate the advice!
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    Sorry I will fix that. It’s in Nevada
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    Nevada Muzzleloader bull elk hunt area 111-115

    I am going on a muzzleloader bull elk hunt in Nevada October 18th-28th and was hoping to get some pointers on where to look around mount moriah? I went up a couple weeks ago in area 111 but there were quite a few hunters, I scouted around but had no luck seeing any bulls in area 111 so I figured...
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    I recently drew a muzzleloader tag for areas 111-115 and was hoping to get a few pointers on...

    I recently drew a muzzleloader tag for areas 111-115 and was hoping to get a few pointers on where to look around McCoy creek or Cleve creek. I will be going up in about a month or so to scout around, if you have any pointers that would be greatly appreciated! First ever bull elk tag drawn and...
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    Nevada 032, 034 Antelope

    Are any of those areas good or worth applying for? Future reference
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    Big news in Nevada.

    Do you know how many tags they have out for bull moose i went 5 years without drawing anything in Nevada. It is definitely hard to draw in this state
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    Big news in Nevada.

    Do you know how many tags they have out for bull moose?
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    Big news in Nevada.

    I was hoping I’d draw on my first time! Maybe next year
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    2024 Nevada Draw Results

    I have 4 so far for pronghorn, I hope I draw soon!
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    Solo Elk hunting

    We shot my dads bull about 100 yards from the road, we had a few people with us but still got lucky with how close we were!
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    Nevada 111-115

    How far up McCoy creek would you go to spot bull elk? I will be going up that way soon to scout and was looking for pointers if you have any?
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    Nevada 111-115

    I drew a muzzleloader tag for this area and was looking for pointers if you have any?
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    Plate ‘em up

    Looks really good! I’ll have to try that sometime
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    August of the Antelope

    Good luck on your hunt! Antelope are fun to hunt!