I was surprised to see the data on fawns weights being low even after the die offs. I would have expected fawn weights to rise with fewer deer on the landscape but there are other factors like moisture and fire that can affect range conditions.
Again, I'm not very familiar with that area...
What do you think of the justification they gave in the proposals for the addition of those antlerless tags? Just curious what your counter argument would be. There southwest region is the one area I haven't hunted and I don't have a dog in that fight but I am curious from an overall public...
Time for another series of emails to the House Resources and Conservation committee. I just sent them all an email about Ron Meldive's latest attempt to dictate muzzleloader rules.
I doubt that the year round season will result in many more lions being killed. That sentence could be used in favor of or in opposition to the all year season proposal. On the one hand it won't make much difference. On the other, why do it if it won't make a difference?
The video gives some...
It seems disingenuous to keep asking a question that has no basis in anything that was said in this thread. His username is BuzzH, not WyomingBHA.
You allowed only one year after the quotas were eliminated to say that killing more lions failed to result in a rise in deer population. Seems...
You are correct that lions are not the culprit in recent deer declines. You accurately pointed to the multiple recent winter kills as the primary cause.
However, when deer populations were high we also allowed more doe hunts and general season youth doe opportunity (Idaho). Those...
What about agricultural products? Moving harvested crops, hay, or other products that have some soil containing cwd prions. CWD has appeared in many places without captive cervid operations and hundreds of miles from the nearest known infection site. Something other than captive cervids is...
My wife an I reset the clock 2 years ago when we had our 15 yr old and 12 year old boys and then added a newborn girl. 2 years later we have a 17, 14, and 2 yr old. We are thinking of starting a youtube channel titled "Teenagers and Toddlers" it will pretty much just be videos of us looking...
Good deal, I'll take a look. My current pair of boots maybe has one more year left.
@Big Fin do you have one gaiter under your right pant leg and the other over your left pant leg in the sheep photo above? Was that some kind of comparative test to see which method of wearing gaiters was...
Presumably, the idea is that tag numbers and opportunity would increase when the herd recovers. (By the way how do we define "recovery"?) Other than reduction in doe tags, when has this ever actually occurred? Buck harvest is not a major factor in herd numbers. Does, habitat, and winter...
I've never done this but I don't think it does any good to boycott a product or a brand unless you also take the step of writing a letter to the company detailing why you are choosing not to purchase their products.
Suave is never going to notice if I quit buying Suave products because of the...
The whole series of podcast that Robby did with biologists from Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado should be mandatory listening for every hunter before they comment on or push for change to season structures. A lot of old myths and bad ideas are discussed and debunked in those podcasts.
Can anyone point me to where I can find and read Wyoming wildlife research papers, management plans, and other studies? I am not finding anything on the Game and Fish website but I might be looking in the wrong places.
At a minimum I hope that this case leads to enough interest to reform the LAP tag system in Idaho. As I understand it, the program started because landowners in controlled hunt units complained about not being able to hunt on their own land despite their land providing habitat for the animals...