This is for the risk of losing a goat, the banning of pack goats is largely do to the possibility of a goat coming into contact with a herd of Bighorn sheep. Even though all responsible Pack Goaters test there goats on a yearly basis for MOVI, it’s a fear factor that wild sheep people have, even...
Agree I hardly ever watch any of there content except the Mule Deer stuff, first podcast I have ever heard 😂, I fast forward most of that water talk 😂
Anyway that’s not the part of the podcast that I was referring too, that totals maybe 10 min of the podcast, and it’s more impacted toward the endangered species act as a weapon for politicians.
They should have added Idaho in that sentence, I know for a fact several reservoirs are turned up and let out more water for salmon…. My buddy works for Idaho power. I think you should check your facts. Your post was totally unnecessary,