Search results

  1. T

    Vote Yet?

    Voted for Bush, and knew that this state would go to Kerry. But if you looked around town with all the Bush signs you would never think that. Here in CA basicly Los Angelas and the Bay area were most of the hippy bastards are out number us. Tom, if your daughter lives in OR, I do not think she...
  2. T

    Whats going on

    I sure you guys miss me like a hole in the head. I am also stay home a little bit more this week because my wife had "Womans sugery" yesterday.
  3. T

    Whats going on

    It's raining outside, not much to do except check out what is going on, on the board. Now my Login name it deleted or someyhing. I used to be member #6 or sominthing like that. Now I am #2thousand and something. John formaly known as Hntrjohn