Caribou Gear

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  1. B

    skinning out a skull.

    Hey buddy, I just finished a few european skulls from this year, Most taxidermists prefer a tube skinned neck with a Y incision just big enough to get the horns and skull through the hole. basically just skin the face, but good tips to remember are use a screwdriver to pry the skin from below...
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    Any Washington Elkers out here

    Fullabull, My brother lives in Oregon, it used to be elk heaven, bulls everywhere, he shot a nice bull every year. He hasnt got one in 4 years and if anyone could get one it would be him. I guess washington rubbed off on its neighbor. At least thats the case where he's at around the astoria region.
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    Idaho Whitetails

    Thanks Dic, Im really looking forward to hunting there, Sounds like a nice buck you shot. I dont mind passing up the little ones, I usually pass up an average of ten bucks a year to get mine here in wash. Is it hard to get away from quad runners? I dont mind hoofing it a half a dozen miles to...
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    Idaho Whitetails

    I want to hunt Idaho next season and kill a nice whitetail buck, Anyone have any advice, I will go in august and try to scout a private land owner and bribe them with some fresh seafood. I would like to stay in the panhandle region as my sister lives in Spokane Wa and will give me free...
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    Deer Dropped Into Tree - From Where?

    I can explain this, It has to be from washington state, and its the leftovers of a tribal ceremony.
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    Any Washington Elkers out here

    You said it Ray, but you only scratched the surface. Did you hear about the 7x7 bull that the wdfw introduced into the Brinnon herd last year to expand the gene pool? Im sure it looks good on that Native American kids wall that shot it right before the permit season started. Thing is around...
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    Backpack hunting for muleys...

    Can anyone tell me how to use my GPS ?
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    National Elk Refuge - You gotta love it

    Dont ya hate work, I would be a much better hunter if it wasnt for work.
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    Do it yourself mounts

    Elkchsr, If you need some company let me know, I can practically spit on the canal from my house, come after june and go home with a mess of dungeness crab, or come in july and go home with crab and salmon, Ray lives close enough to join us too. Have boat and chainsaw , will travel.
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    How old were you when you tipped your first elk?

    Raybow, Good topic. I had just turned 14 when I killed my first elk, A cow with a bow, that was 19 years ago on the noochie.
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    Estimating live weight ?

    Sounds good Raybow, thanks. Sounds like some nice blacktails. I will just have to see those eventually. My best is a 3x4, im guessing about 105-110. The area I hunt has a screwed up gene pool, theres some big bucks but they only grow 2 points, Ive shot a few 4&5 year old 2 points and they are...
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    Ted Turner.....

    Alright guys , lets take some action , I nominate moosie, since he's the boss of this show, to call ted and suggest he offer 10 bull tags for raffle to the general public. 1 ticket per customer $5.00 a ticket.
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    Estimating live weight ?

    Raybow, I always love looking at blacktail racks, I dont make it up that way much though , Id have a better chance of bumping into you in forks. One of these days when I get drawn for quinalt ridge, Im hoping youll give me some scouting destinations.
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    Serial Poacher......

    How close is the nearest reservation?
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    Ted Turner.....

    I would have done the same as Ted and bought the land and managed some awesome elk hunting for myself and friends, If I could afford to. Heck it may have been the best thing for the herds to be protected by him, I dont know. But doesnt the wildlife actually belong to you and I ? and if so can...
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    Estimating live weight ?

    Thanks Raybow, and congrats on those bulls you and your partner got this year.
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    Estimating live weight ?

    I got him in dewatto, lowlands.I sent you the pics but I will try the trophyphoto. Thanks
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    Estimating live weight ?

    I think I will e mail them to you, my method doesnt work. Thanks for your help hornseeker.
  19. B

    Estimating live weight ?

    I just remembered one more thing , you can pattern a bear. My dad shot at this same bear , crossing the road in the same exact spot last year and missed him.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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