Any Washington Elkers out here

Fullabull, My brother lives in Oregon, it used to be elk heaven, bulls everywhere, he shot a nice bull every year. He hasnt got one in 4 years and if anyone could get one it would be him. I guess washington rubbed off on its neighbor. At least thats the case where he's at around the astoria region.
Raybow I totally agree with your statement:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How could a responsible management program ever let the uneducated general popultation overrule the recomendations of state biologists.

That is the problem here in Washington. The fish and wildlife dept. does what the general public wants...the problem with that is the public doesn't know shit! I always wonder why we pay all these wildlife biologists and then let the public make decisions on fish and wildlife management. Makes absolutely no sense.
A friend of mine has gone to Oregon the last two year. Seen a lot of elk, got close on a couple but has not scored yet. Might have to try it some time. Colorado get to me a long drive. It's nice to score, but if I just see a lot of animals, it makes the hunt for me.
Man this is getting good.Gotta love this state for what it doesnt have eh.Give us all a shout when you get up here in Washington, you'll just be over the hill from me.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> That is the problem here in Washington. The fish and wildlife dept. does what the general public wants...the problem with that is the public doesn't know shit! I always wonder why we pay all these wildlife biologists and then let the public make decisions on fish and wildlife management. Makes absolutely no sense. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This is the same exact statement that I keep putting up, and Buzz calls me "Stupid, a loser, and what not... Does this go to say that we are both all the names he say's or does it mean that he really doesn't have any idea what he is talking about!!!!
Heres a pic of a bull that a guy got here in the state last year.He was the winner of the eastern Wa raffle tag The bull is a 7x7 he got it Sept.15 2002.The outside spread is 55 inches and inside spread is 45.5 inches with a main beam of 51 inches.
Kraven, i know this guy, hes a cop in yakima, i went bird hunting with him once, i know his brother real good, hes the one on my page with the bull that scored 350 with a muzzleloader.
Well I'm sure that was a once in a lifetime tag
How hard is it to get drawn for special areas or tags up there?
It would be nice to hunt bulls but taking a cow or spike for some good BBQen would also be nice.
Beautiful animal though!
I've been putting in for elk tags in Cal. for to many years. At least in Washington I can hunt whether I get drawn or not. So compared to here, I'll be in heaven for a while. At least until what RayBow, W.Hunter & everyone else is saying sinks into my newbee head

Then I'll probably be just as frustrated at where things are headed as they are.
Actually I am one of the lucky ones that has grown up in prime elk country that in some areas can get pretty remote. I manage to scrape one out every year but what is happening still isn't right and it isn't fair to anyone who spends their money first and then finds out later, their licences are no good. Of course we cannot get refunds! That the season is emergency closed is just circumstancial and too flipping bad for all those who purchased licences and tags.
The Dept proudly holds their middle finger high at the ignorance of our general population and then wonders why we are so upset.
The guy who got that bull bought raffle tickets to get that tag.I believe the raffle tickets for Elk are $5.00 a piece.The odds of getting drawn for this tag are pretty good since there isnt alot of people who buy the tickets, not sure why they dont if you get drawn you that means you get a second tag.

I believe I have seen a couple of your pic posts from previous hunts. I can only hope to put a tag on big bulls like that. I will be looking for some of those remote spots so I can make it happen. Heck I'll even through in a few buck$$$ to try and draw one of those special tags
That is about the only way to have a good chance at a quality bull with a rifle unless a guy has really done his homework, and let's face it, who has two or three weeks to spend prior to hunting anymore!!
I have lived in Washington all my life (49 years) and been hunting since I was 14...
Hunting is great if you get out of your truck !!
Most hunters in Washington rarely get more than a mile from their rig, so find an area that has elk, find a gate, and you will be surprised how lonely you will be.
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