I have a new dream hunt. Although there is not yet a season, Milu deer repopulation in China has been an outstanding wildlife success story. From zero to 12,000 in 40 years. I just retired and the wife and I will live in our Sichuan home 4 months/year, Indiana home 8 months/year. Hoping an...
Although this will be my 10th mule deer hunt, I still don’t feel experienced. I know tree stand hunting is not popular out there, but it’s my preferred method due to physical issues. But I also plan to mix in some stalks on my upcoming Paunsagunt deer hunt. I’m wondering if when stand hunting if...
This is a public service announcement brought to courtesy of: Desk Pop, Gr8banana, Geetar, & other paranoid Hunt Talkers who bitch at tiny me but refuse to rag on Huntin Fool, goHunt, Rollin Bones, OnX, Arizona Game & Fish Dept and many other major sources that text and emailed out Arizona hunt...
I am very seriously considering burning my 27 NR points on the Pauns archery tag this year. I'm 64 and my health is declining, heart failure plus 2 torn achilles, etc. All my Midwest hunting is via climbing Lone Wolf tree stands. Have some experience using this method successfully in the AZ...
Anybody tried one of these for treestand gun hunting? 95% of my whitetail hunting is archery, but want to start taking our IL gun season more seriously. Drew a great public tag this year. I use the small 14.7# LW Assault climbers exclusively, but their shooting rail gets very poor reviews...
Anybody tried one of these for treestand gun hunting? 95% of my whitetail hunting is archery, but want to start taking our IL gun season more seriously. Drew a great public tag this year. I use the small 14.7# LW Assault climbers exclusively, but their shooting rail gets very poor reviews...
Anyone else had their credit FICO score fall this much just from hunting application up front fees? Went all in on New Mexico this year and got this surprise package on my Capital One CC 😂. I don’t take these FICO alerts from CC’s much seriously because I know my actual credit score can’t...
Application finally submitted tonight. Procrastinator with very little motivation to research hunt changes with odds this dismal.
Got 26 NR deer points but burning WY points instead due to quota turmoil there.
I know I saw a thread on this but can’t find it now. I submitted my application as a party leader a few weeks ago but when I returned to check the application this morning I still don’t see my two partners listed when I click on NR Elk Appl button. They said they joined the party. Curious if...
I've been almost exclusively an archery hunter for the last 20 years, hunting mostly public land in Illinois/Iowa during that time. However, next year I want to include firearm season in Illinois, if not tagged out. I exclusively use Lone Wolf climbers, preferring the light weight 14.7#...
Ended up picking up an ebike on sale last minute for this hunt and was seeking tips on maybe some narrower trails where it may be an access advantage. Also, seeking advice on what portions of the unit might be best to mix in some tree stand hunting. I see much of it is low oak brush. Got quite a...
Just curious if anyone else has burned this many points in such a short time period. With my CO elk tag drawn last week that was 25, plus 21 OR elk, 22 OR deer & 22 OR lope = 90 Lol. Getting old, body breaking down and glad to be rid of these.
So after finally taking a giant whitetail this year, I got to thinking I’ve been fortunate to meet my lifetime trophy goals for critters of three species……elk, moose & now whitetail. With the remaining being pronghorn (85”), mule deer (200”) & bighorn sheep (any!). I am 61. I’m curious if...
After losing virtually my entire deer season to a severe case of Covid last year, I can’t describe how great it was just to be in a tree this fall. I spent the peak rut 2020 quarantined on a cot in my Kodiak 10'x10' tent. Getting out just once to go to the ER for oxygen. It was so awesome just...
Got excited when I first got this email. Until I read further. Ya No. The good times coming back in NM would be pre-outfitter welfare, a 22% NR unguided quota, paper applications, NR eligible to hunt state land, no hunting publications and no tsunami of applicants. Lol 😂
Since the point scheme thread was pretty popular, I was curious what state system HuntTalkers thought would be the next to see major changes. Those seeing serious declines in ground floor applicants and their money are the greatest at risk no doubt. These days I am always strategizing where to...