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  1. Devil Diver Down

    WTB: Benelli Supernova or Super Black Eagle II

    Modifying this to only looking for a Super Black Eagle II now. Found a great SuperNova - it will kick several of my other shotguns out of the gun cabinet and to the curb.
  2. Devil Diver Down

    Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

    Keep at it - a diet of only fruits and veggies isn't sustainable for long for most people - but you can add in some beans for protein sake. Lean meat (once in a while) cooked with some peppers and tomatoes is tasty and will give you some of the meat you're craving. Some regular exercise to boost...
  3. Devil Diver Down

    Barbie Doll Hunting

    Even though you're being modest with the claim of luck as formula for success, I'm sure you would agree that good story arcs on tv shows don't just happen via luck - producing matters. Pre-production and preparation count whether it's putting together a hunt or a tv show - I know a little about...
  4. Devil Diver Down

    Moose Loose in Las Vegas

    That's awesome, Moosie. Congrats to Little O and a word of warning: the first time I went to Brazil, I came back with a wife. :eek:
  5. Devil Diver Down


    I seem to have wandered into a thread I'm not prepared for... #BackingOutSlowly
  6. Devil Diver Down

    My Coues Gift Buck

    Nice buck! Congrats - I'm impressed how the AZ Crew is putting the hurt on the Coues with leftover tags.
  7. Devil Diver Down

    Bucks sparring - photos

    Well done taking advantage when opportunity knocks! Great pics.
  8. Devil Diver Down

    Coues deer buck

    I've been laughing at the hat for 9 straight days. Today was the first day I could see my keyboard enough to type. :D Pretty awesome hunt, Stan! Tough to crack on you too much when you take a nicer deer on a leftover tag (again) than most guys do when drawing primo units. My hat is off to...
  9. Devil Diver Down

    2014 coues buck

    Congrats to your son on a good looking Coues buck and to you what I'm sure was a great hunt, even though you tagged soup instead of a buck ;) Also, I'm impressed with your Cliff's Notes version of the story, but I'm not sure bare bones will get us through the long winter ahead. We need more...
  10. Devil Diver Down

    first elk hunt

    1. Have someone whack you in the legs with a heavy board for several hours a day - especially the knees - to simulate the beating you will take by gaining and dropping elevation like a mad man, with a good pack on your back. 2. Give me $1,200 every year for a couple of years to simulate the...
  11. Devil Diver Down

    Take a kid hunting......again!

    I hope to spoil my kids - or myself - to such a degree some day. Well done!
  12. Devil Diver Down

    Arizona Mule Deer Hunt

    RK- Good looking buck for sure. That unit is my second choice archery javelina unit - I already know I drew a tag, but don't know which unit yet. In any case, I hope there are some piggys in there for me to skewer and maybe some quail to pop during the middle of the day.
  13. Devil Diver Down

    Gray wolf on the Kaibab confirmed

    shoots - I'm not sure what else would be the wolf's primary food source in that area - Kaibab squirrels? Not good news to me that one wandered up there. I've been tossing around the idea of working up a documentary on wolves in AZ - the plans for expansion of numbers and territory - so this is...
  14. Devil Diver Down

    You know you're spoiled when...

    Congrats to your nephew on the fine whitetail. And your other nephew is getting an elk lesson that will pay dividends for years to come. Good job!
  15. Devil Diver Down

    MT muley for my nephew

    Great job hooking him on horn!
  16. Devil Diver Down

    2014 Wyoming bull

    Toad of a bull, congrats! As much as this AZ boy is hooked on elk hunting, I don't think I could weather -26º for a hunt unless my family was starving. #TooColdForBull
  17. Devil Diver Down

    4 elk & 1 curious kitty

    Sounds like a great hunt, congrats!
  18. Devil Diver Down

    First Bull!

    Yikes, what a great first (or 20th) bull. Aren't guys supposed to take a young one for their first bull? I guess it's too late to throw him back and wait for a smaller one... ;)
  19. Devil Diver Down

    Big Fin's Birthday

    Happy Birthday old timer! Hope you're working the gutless method on a toad this morning, with a great pack out!
  20. Devil Diver Down

    Kaibab Muley Spike

    I'll be fine. Already WAY better than I was at the end of September. My dad had several chances - some on really nice deer for any unit standards - and couldn't close the deal, unfortunately. Mother Nature has given him so many positives over the years, growing up in a wild Arizona that will...