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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    That is good information Buzz, thanks for taking the time to write it all down. I am personally all about a 100% 'on foot' hunt and have no issue with doing so if that is what it comes down to. But more importantly than that, I care greatly about the deer and elk (and sheep) in these areas and...
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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    Thanks Craig. You're an expert on the issue, but in my issue there seems to be a larger than average concentration of lions in this area and I'm in support of anything that could possibly help our elk and deer on their winter range. And, this purely anecdotal, but in my experience, the deer...
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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    Buzz, I understand that lion tracks can absolutely be found hiking as I've seen a pile of them myself, but these are large areas that are tough to cover efficiently and affectively by foot. I'm the last person to condone riding around in a vehicle versus hiking when big game hunting, but in this...
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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    I'm open to open all commentary and differing ideas, and welcome them from you guys as you know more about BLM issues than I do. Someone at the BLM office told my father that after 1500 comments they'd look into revising the closures; I'm not sure how factual that is but it came from them. We...
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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    I should have been more specific in my first post: The areas of my deepest concern right now are closing vehicle access to BLM land around EAGLE AND GYPSUM. Gates are being locked at entrances to these roads. Tanner
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    BLM Closures in Colorado... We need your help!

    Recently we've experienced some (in my opinion and the opinion of many others) ridiculous BLM land closures around my home town. Virtually every area that has been closed for the winter months is a hot bed for both coyotes, and lions, and all areas have been very productive in lion hunting. With...
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    Crybaby Montanans..............

    Oh mercy me... Should have let him go another year... It's all in the moustache... 40"+ of mass? Tanner
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    Google Bot Data Mined Super-Fund Site

    Wow, that is interesting. Do most quotas get filled every year? Seems like I've heard of them going unfilled in the past but could be wrong. I really need to dial in a plan for the next few years.... Tanner
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    2015 Spring Black Bears

    I posted this photo on Facebook so some of you may have seen it already, forgive the repost. Biggest bear I've ever seen in Colorado or Alaska, and we don't have a spring season! Tanner
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    Backpacking Stove

    I'm using an MSR Reactor with a 1.0 Liter pot after using a MSR Pocket Rocket for a season... Tanner
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    Bucks and bulls on backpacks

    This one was a pretty good hump in and out (not mine)
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    Bucks and bulls on backpacks

    Those are beautiful. The antlers, I mean.... Tanner
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    Colorado Statewide Bighorn SHeep Tag

    The crowd chants for an S2 project! Awesome banquet again, many thanks to Oak, Dinkshooter and the others that helped make it happen. Great time. Tanner
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    Funny Hunter Quotes/Lingo

    Pretty much anything that comes out of the Cam Hanes crowd makes me want to puke. Tanner
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    Colorado National Forest and BLM Mountain Bike Regulations

    I'm perfectly fine with no mountain bikes being allowed in Wilderness areas. One less demographic to clog up trails and make giant ruts.
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    I've seen a big billy beat the piss out of a nanny when she tried stepping around him in a single file line traversing a saddle in the Gore Range. It was pretty wild! Tanner
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    Colorado Statewide Bighorn SHeep Tag

    Man, I'm going to have to buy another plane ticket to come home early when I win the sheep tag. What a Conundrum.... (No mountain pun intended). Tanner