Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

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  1. J

    Whats in a name

    Say this slowly several times and let em know what you come up with. where the Fakawe Remember she was lost when she was saying this. Sorry it is not more clear!
  2. J

    Whats in a name

    What’s in a name? A few years ago during my hunting season in the Northern Province of South Africa I had a couple hunting with me named Dan and Susan, and a another man named Tom who was also hunting. They had never met before this trip. Susan was just there for the experience of the Bush, the...
  3. J

    Would you participate??

    I can hire a cook for you, but the sun sets at 6pm so what else you gonna do in the evening? You guys will certainly whack an impala and then have steaks for a few days. Stick a roast in the big cast iron pot and slow cook it all day while we are out hunting. Skinners and trackers included. As...
  4. J

    Would you participate??

    When I was in School in RSA during the early 90's I had a class mate who owned a lot of land. Both family and his own. He is now the chief medical doctor in Josini. He does not really push hunting nor does he care to have an army of "big guns" clearing the place out. This is a real old time very...
  5. J

    Would you participate??

    I would help you with this in a heartbeat and be glad to do it. ********However*********** I will at no point run or participate in the operation. I have some little experience with this and it's all bad. So here goes with the sorry situation. First is considered gambling and not legal...
  6. J

    blister solutions for continued walking

    Many of the hunters I have in camp end up with a blister on their heel blow the narrow spot from the tendon running up the back of the heel to the calf muscle, or right on the back of the foot above the heel. It seems no matter how well they think the boots are broken in they don't spend time...
  7. J

    hunting photo tips

    Too much infor for one post I guess! here is the remainder of the article: Properly seated this Gemsbok looks huge, clean and in the best light, a great photo. It would be nice to have the hunter looking happy, but he may still be in his calm phase following the stress of the hunt? Look...
  8. J

    hunting photo tips

    Hunting Photography 101. I need to make a disclaimer here that the folks in these photos had nothing to do with the poor quality. In most cases they were set up by me or one of my helpers. The context is not meant in any way to portray the hunters at fault for the quality. In every case these...
  9. J

    Custom knives worth the price?

    They shut the treefarm down to all access after I think December 15th? Saw a loin cross the highway by SR18 last night at 10PM going towards that new house development. They will feed on the domestic cats for a while there. endless supply from the city folks moving to the "country" ya know. I...
  10. J

    Custom knives worth the price?

    Nope, if you read the last paragraph of the post it has the link to the fella who made it for me.
  11. J

    Custom knives worth the price?

    It's a SS D2 blade
  12. J

    Custom knives worth the price?

    Snow suck so far, without tracks it's a waste of time for me. I'll catch up on other things while I wait for the snow. I also have a brother in Law on life support now. I'm sure that will end in a few days or weeks at the most. It will be difficult for me to be gone from home much while we wait...
  13. J

    Custom knives worth the price?

    I have gone through so many knives in my life and more then likely 1/2 of them have been misplaced or lost in the bush. Good kinves are very much like good sunglasses for me. Neither last very long once I get them. Over the years working in Africa I have managed to collect quite a lot of...
  14. J

    double post

    Could not find the delete function?
  15. J

    long jumping lechwe, lucky too!

    I think we all hear of the big game hunting in Africa in various locations being fenced in. The common fence is called a 2 meter fence being about 6.5 foot tall depending upon the proximity to the ground. I have had photos in the past of Kudu jumping an 8 foot fence showing that the 2 meter...
  16. J

    PreliminaryTaxidermy work with near complete manniken

    Noonkester, but as you see it was modified a bit. I really think the tilted down head and the slightly open mouth have a better appearance. I have participated in quite a few hog hunts with hounds. Although I have never myself killed one with dogs. I always took my camera to get the pictures of...
  17. J

    PreliminaryTaxidermy work with near complete manniken

    Here is the finished mount with the real skull and teeth just to the lower left of it. [ 10-22-2004, 22:27: Message edited by: JJHACK ]
  18. J

    Toughest to die animal that I ever hunted.

    This could turn into a gruesome thread with what has escaped and what they have gone through! Like Andrew I have seen my fair share of bizzare game reactions of various animals being shot. In this line of work you typically see a very high amount of game being harvested. A friend of mine and I...
  19. J

    How tough are Buffalo?

    On avearage they take 2-3 hits from any gun used. I would say they fall within a minute on average, maybe just a little less with broken leg bones. If they are not found within a couple minutes or 75 yards your view of recreational sport hunting changes real quick
  20. J

    How tough are Buffalo?

    I have been away hunting locally for a few weeks. This morning I was catching up on some of the posts here and thought I would post about a Buffalo hunt I had in June. My hunter was using my 375HH and my 300 grain Swift Aframe bullets. They are going 2600 plus fps. The buffalo was about 100...
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